Thursday, January 18, 2024

Gazan 'Civilians' Involved in Every Stage of Hamas Hostage Scheme, Freed Israelis Say

 "[The man's] wife hated the fact that he and I were in the same room. She hated it. So she'd taunt me," Schem said, recounting how the woman would insult her appearance and bring the man food "but nothing for me."

Washington Free Beacon (   "TEL AVIV, Israel—Israeli women and children have in recent weeks begun speaking publicly about what they experienced during nearly two months in Hamas captivity late last year.

"In primetime Hebrew TV interviews, the released hostages have confirmed that ordinary Gazans were deeply complicit in every stage of the hostage scheme. Unarmed teens helped to abduct Jews from their homes on Oct. 7, while Gazan women and children held some of the Israelis captive. In other cases, Gazan doctors collaborated with Hamas terrorists to covertly treat kidnapped Israelis and imprison them in hospitals.

"When the Israelis encountered Gazans on the streets, the results were often terrifying.

"The revelations underscore the urgency of Israel's 100-plus-day war to destroy Hamas and bring home the 132 hostages who, officials believe, remain captive in Gaza. At the same time, though, the released hostages' accounts indicate how difficult it could be to extricate either the remaining hostages or Hamas from a radicalized population.

" 'The main issue is that the organization is very much melted into the social structure of Gaza," Michael Milshtein, a former senior Israeli military intelligence officer and a leading expert on Hamas, told the Washington Free Beacon. "There is no way you can really know who is Hamas. Someone might have a grocery store where he sells tomatoes and water, but he might also have storehouse of weapons and give religious lessons there."

"And his wife and kids might be keeping an Israeli hostage at home.

" 'Hamas is not only a political matter in Gaza. It's a way of life," Milshtein said. "We can and should ruin Hamas militarily and change the political arena in Gaza. But ultimately the Gazan people will have to do some soul searching. And here in the Arab world, not only the Palestinians, soul searching is very rare.' " . . .

"We will never forgive and we will never show any kind of empathy towards these people," Agam said. "If we previously believed that there was a chance for peace, we've lost all faith in these people, especially after we were there and among the population."

 Top Israeli figure says Hamas spending on tunnel system deprived Gazans of much needed aid   "Oren said that civilians in Gaza are not allowed to go into the tunnels for protection, all while Hamas uses them during the war."

Meanwhile, here in America: Senators call for action against ‘pro-Hamas vandals’ who defaced veteran cemetery

Earlier this month, a group of pro-Palestinian protesters allegedly vandalized the Los Angeles National Cemetery, where nearly 90,000 veterans are buried, spray painting symbols and phrases, including “FREE GAZA” and “INTIFADA,” a word commonly associated with Palestinian actions against Israel.

As we first saw in the George Floyd riots and in the actions of Antifa, there is a great evil in the hearts of so many Americans that permeates our society. TD 

Biden and Israel

As the saying goes, "With friends like the US, who needs enemies" TD

 Surrender: Blinken Tells Netanyahu Israel Can't Defeat Hamas (

. . ."Netanyahu reportedly rejected the idea.

"NBC News reported Wednesday that Blinken, and Biden, are therefore trying to work around Netanyahu — the democratically-elected leader of Israel — in a departure from the Biden administration’s posture as the supposed defender of democratic ideals:" . . .

Secretary of State Antony Blinken told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week that Israel cannot defeat Hamas — that there is no “military solution,” and that Israel will have to accept a Palestinian state. Netanyahu reportedly rejected the idea. NBC News reported Wednesday that Blinken, and Biden, are therefore trying to work around Netanyahu — the democratically-elected leader of Israel — in a departure from the Biden administration’s posture as the supposed defender of democratic ideals: Blinken told Netanyahu that ultimately there is no military solution to Hamas, according to the officials, and that the Israeli leader needs to recognize that or history will repeat itself and violence will continue."  Lucianne

Biden Administration's 'Pathway' to a Palestinian Terror State: Gatestone Institute  "By continuing to obsessively stick to the creation of a Palestinian state, the Biden administration is actually sending a message to Iran and its terror proxies that terrorism pays - that if they inflict more pain and casualties on Israel, the Americans will reward them with a state of their own next to Israel to facilitate their mission of continuing their Jihadist murder spree against Jews and finally obliterate Israel.

"The poll further showed that if presidential elections were held today, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh would receive 78% of the vote, as opposed to only 16% for Abbas.

"The poll found that 64% of the Palestinians oppose the idea of a two-state solution, while 53% support a return to the "armed struggle" against Israel.

"All polls conducted by the same center have consistently shown that a majority of the Palestinians believe that Hamas is more deserving of representing them than the PA. This means that if and when a Palestinian state is established, as the Biden administration is hoping, it will be ruled by Hamas and its masters in Iran... overlooking the few miles from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv and Israel's Ben Gurion International Airport." . . .

Trump Is Benefiting From His Incoherent Israel-Hamas Stance (

"A new national poll from the New York Times–Siena College reinforces a development that’s getting clearer every day: Joe Biden’s strength among Democrats and other past supporters is being steadily sapped by deep unhappiness with his staunch support of Israel in its war with Hamas. The phenomenon is particularly evident among young (under-30) voters, a left-leaning group that astonishingly favors Donald Trump over Biden by a 49 percent to 43 percent margin in the Times–Siena poll. While there are a variety of contributing factors to Biden’s poor standing with young voters — including his age, cost-of-living concerns, and unfulfilled promises on student loans and climate change — Times data wizard Nate Cohn sees a lot of evidence that the war is pivotal. . ."

Have these people not seen what these monsters did in the villages of Israel? Are they not disgusted with seeing the murders of families and the cheers of Gazans as they watched the videos of other Gazans murdering whole families? How could Hitler have allied with these same murderous people over families?

“The Last Republican President”

Obama’s Leaked Confession Could Spell the End for Biden   "New evidence confirms there’s a storm brewing in the Democratic Party.

"A source from Barack Obama’s inner circle just leaked that the former president is worried that Biden “very well could lose.”

"Meanwhile, David Axelrod – a key political strategist for Obama – warned Biden that his campaign needed to ramp up ASAP or he should drop out of the race altogether." . . .

A Wall Street insider and frequent guest at Mar-a-Lago recently went public with a new election prediction that points to Biden getting removed from the ballot as soon as August 19.  In his place, a controversial “shadow candidate” will emerge who stands to usher in a wave of liberal policies and regulations not seen since FDR. (View the full analysis here.)

But keep in mind that at the same time, this is from an investment newsletter; a business promotion. Be wise.TD

 Freeport Society (  

"Anyone can see that America is barreling toward a major turning point in the 2024 presidential election.

"Trust in our political institutions are at an all-time low…

"High inflation is ravaging retirees savings…

"The globe is teetering on the brink of World War…

"The national debt is over $33 trillion and we’re adding a trillion on top every few months now.

"High interest rates are making it harder to get credit and pay for housing…

"Hundreds of thousands of workers are striking across the country…

"And unemployment is starting to rise for the first time in years.

"If you’re in your 50’s or older… you might wonder “what the heck is happening to my country?”

"Are we living in a banana republic?

"And you’d be right for asking that question.

"But sadly, I’m here to tell you haven’t seen anything yet.

"Because, I’m expecting a massive twist in the presidential election as early as August 19th." . . .

Russell Brand Roasts Rachel Maddow for Her Hysterical Censoring of Donald Trump

 Russell Brand Roasts Rachel Maddow for Her Hysterical Censoring of Donald Trump – RedState  

How silly do these networks look bothering to censor a presidential candidate because he mentions there's an "invasion" at the border or that he thinks the 2020 election is rigged? Who cares? Aren't voters adults? Shouldn't they have the mental fortitude to handle hearing things they may disagree with? If not, should they even be voting?  

 . . ."The setup is the Iowa caucus being called early in the night for Donald Trump. There was a bit of justified controversy surrounding the decision of essentially every network to make that call before most people had even voted, but what's done is done, and I don't think it affected the outcome. Regardless, the panel over at MSNBC, which included Rachel Maddow, Jen Psaki, Chris Hayes, Joy Reid, and nearly every other lunatic from their primetime line-up, didn't waste any time before melting down. 

"Enter actor and podcaster Russell Brand, who took the clips of Maddow explaining why her network censored Trump's victory speech and turned them into comedy gold. It's like watching a car wreck in slow motion. You can't look away." . . .

. . ."BRAND: Look, it's Donald Trump. Can you not say his name? "The projected winner, he that can not be named." He's not Voldemort. He's not a lord of darkness. But just the utterance of the word "Trump" on MSNBC, suddenly liberals are putting down their coffee cups and they're putting down their comfortable view. They're embracing the idea of emergent populism.

Let's have a look at the rest of Rachel Maddow's analysis of misinformation and disinformation, and they're peculiar refusal to show Trump's speech. It was the sweetest thing I've ever seen. 

Speaking of MSNBC, there's also Joy Reid, the "race lady": MSNBC's Reid: Trump Voters Have 'Racial Anxiety' -- They 'Want Revenge'

. . ."And I go to the 1930s, when The New York Times was doing style pieces on Adolf Hitler, and saying, oh, he is going to moderate himself when he gets into office, and actual power is in his hands. I feel like that is happening again because people don’t want to come at the voters. But these voters are actively saying yes, we want a dictatorship. Yes, we want him to be a dictator." . . . 

Karine Jean-Pierre Gets Fact-Checked Into Next Week During Falsehood-Filled Briefing

 Bonchie– RedState

No one has less respect for voters than the current president of the United States. We are talking about a guy who gave a speech flanked by Marines lambasting half the country as extremist threats to "democracy." Jean-Pierre suggesting otherwise is spit-your-coffee-out hilarious. I mean, come on.  

"Jean-Pierre hasn't gotten any better at her job, but she's certainly gotten more comfortable in it. When you're part of the Biden administration, you start to feel invincible. After all, nearly everyone in the briefing room is on "your side." Jean-Pierre doesn't lie effortlessly. She lies like a drunk trying to balance a piece of china on their head. Typically, it doesn't matter because there's so much sycophancy, but on Wednesday, it mattered. 

" 'Biden doesn't insult voters or the American people. You know, except when he's calling them a "damn liar" or accusing them of being "full of ****," among other obscenities."

" 'That wasn't the only tall tale the press secretary shared, though. She was confronted by a reporter over the administration's false framing that Texas had caused three migrants to drown because they blocked access to a part of Eagle Pass. In reality, the migrants died on the Mexican side of the border before illegally entering the United States and had already been deceased for an hour by the time the Border Patrol arrived." . . .

Green Energy Princeling John Kerry Called Out for His Massive Carbon Footprint at Davos

 Leslie Eastman (

"As I noted in my posts covering the United Nations climate conference in Dubai this year, climate realists are beginning to infiltrate the summits and challenge the climate pseudoscience narratives directly with the elite bureaucrats.

"White House Climate Czar John Kerry has been enjoying the gourmet food and other perks associated with the World Economic Forum’s annual meetings for years. While he has been challenged on his private jet use before, he was directly called out on his carbon footprint at Davos.

It was glorious.

President Biden’s climate czar, John Kerry, gave a fiery response after he was confronted Tuesday by a reporter in Switzerland who asked about his carbon footprint.

“What’s the carbon footprint of these events every single year that you come here? Do you think it’s worth it — peasants paying for your crimes?” Avi Yemini, an Australian reporter with independent outlet Rebel News, asked Kerry who was walking on a street in Davos, Switzerland.

“That’s a stupid question,” Kerry responded.

“Nobody ever suggested that. Don’t make up stupid questions,” he said when asked a follow-up question about why his carbon footprint didn’t matter." . . .

DeSantis' 'Participation Trophy' -- Why Good People Don't Run for Office -

Larry Elder (

"The continued decline of the American press is shocking to watch. Panels of "experts" lie with impunity, and yet no one takes them to task. On-air personalities make outrageous claims but are not publicly confronted in ways that would expose their falsehoods to their audiences. They have an oligopolistic stranglehold on propaganda and no one is breaking it." Larry Elder

. . ."MSNBC's Rachel Maddow is a textbook case. As the Iowa results were announced, Maddow explained that Republican voters are the problem. She intoned ponderously:

"If we are worried about the rise of authoritarianism in this country; if we are worried about the potential rise of fascism in this country; if we are worried about our country falling to an authoritarian and potentially fascist form of government, the leader who is trying to do that is part of that equation. But people wanting that is a much bigger part of that equation. ... and I know because I've been studying this ... [t]here is an authoritarian movement inside Republican politics that isn't being bamboozled by Trump; they are pushing Trump to get more and more extreme."

"Meanwhile, the other talking heads — including Jen Psaki, Lawrence O'Donnell, Joy Reid and Chris Hayes — all nodded gravely in agreement, periodically interjecting, "Correct!" and "That's right!"

This is not just nonsense on stilts. It is an outrageous lie of the highest order — and a massive deflection from the real threats Americans face. Yes, Americans should be worried about the "rise of authoritarianism" in this country — and millions are. But they understand that it is not coming from their neighbors who wear "MAGA" hats or the populist political Right.

"The media has been manifestly deceitful about Republican and conservative politicians for decades. They have taken it to new and shocking levels with Trump. But this latest angle should concern more than just political candidates.

"The Left fears that they might not be able to stop Trump despite all their efforts, so they have apparently decided to turn their attention to the tens of millions of Americans who have voted and will (or may) vote for him. When Hillary Clinton called them a "basket of deplorables," that was bad enough. Now those voters are being smeared by the Democratic Party and their shills in the major media as longing for "authoritarianism" and "fascism."

"What might the consequences of such a broad-based propaganda effort be?" . . .  Full article here.

The press supports Fani


Jim Jordan on Fani Willis’ case! Lawmaker seeks documents from DA’s alleged prosecutor lover (  Joy Reid will be furious.

Willis’ prosecution of the Republican frontrunner was rocked this week when details of her alleged fling with Wade were revealed in a court filing seeking her dismissal. It was also reported that invoices show that he met with Trump’s political foes, including the now-defunct Nancy Pelosi-Liz Cheney January 6 committee as well as meeting with representatives of the Biden White House.

Jim Jordan's Probe Into Fani Willis Doomed To Fail (

It is unlikely that Willis' office will comply with Jordan's demands. After she brought charges against Trump and others in her election interference probe in August, Jordan wrote to Willis demanding information regarding her probe against the former president. In a September letter, Willis told Jordan there is "no justification in the Constitution for Congress to interfere with a state criminal matter, as you attempt to do."

 The Democrat-supporting publications line up behind Willis.

That would be MSNBC don't ya know?

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

State-sanctioned protest Only lefties are permitted to rally in Washington, DC.

  Don Surber (

How different it was from January 6’s protest inside the Capitol. Not only did the FBI sweep everyone up but it used facial recognition to get people who were outside the capitol. 

The New York Post reported, “A swarm of Pro-Palestinian supporters shouted ‘f–k Joe Biden’ as they nearly ripped down a reinforced fence outside the White House during a charged protest Saturday night.

“Non-essential personnel were evacuated from the area as a precaution as the aggressive demonstration ramped up, the Secret Service confirmed.

“Video shows the crowd shaking the fence so viciously that a section of it became partially dislodged while a horde of Secret Service police pushed back to keep the ralliers from entering the grounds.”

"Fox reported, “The demonstrators were heard chanting [chanted], ‘Ceasefire Now’ and ‘Free, Free Palestine,’ with many waving Palestinian flags. ‘Yemen, Yemen make us proud / Turn another ship around,’ was also recited at the demonstration, hours after strikes were launched against the Houthis in Yemen.”

"No one was sent to jail to face 22 years in prison. No police officer shot and killed anyone. No one in the press called it an insurrection because this was state-sanctioned psy-ops as the deep state staged the event to show widespread support for changing federal policy.. . ."

Nikki Haley fires back at MSNBC's Joy Reid: 'We've had enough' of dividing people on race

MSM   I appreciate Nikki, but we must be aware of this:

. . ."So, while the former governor touts her war chest at this point in the game heading into New Hampshire, it’s all filled with cash from leftists. Carlson also pointed out why Haley isn’t a conservative, citing the support for the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020 and the lackluster support for border security as prime examples. Americans want the border secure and the flow of illegal immigration to be severely reduced if not stopped altogether. At the Aspen Institute, Haley said we needed to stop being mean to illegals."   Matt Vespa; Townhall

 "Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley fired back at MSNBC's Joy Reid, claiming they live in "different" Americas after the far-left host doubted her chances of prevailing in the GOP primaries because of her skin color. 

"Haley was asked about Reid's comments during "Fox & Friends" and said she remains confident she can prevail despite losing the Iowa caucuses and coming in third place behind both Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. 

" 'Joy Reid lives in a different America than I do," Haley told Brian Kilmeade Tuesday. "I mean, yes, I'm a brown girl that grew up in a small rural town in South Carolina who became the first female minority governor in history, who became a U.N. ambassador and who is now running for president. If that's not the American dream, I don't know what is."

" 'You can sit there and give me all the reasons why you think I can't do this. I will continue to defy everybody on why we can do this, and we will get it done," she continued. 

"Reid accused Republicans of being an "anti-immigrant" party, and that's why she "can't picture" Haley becoming the GOP nominee in 2024." 

Joy has long been a racialist, bent on a race war, I have to say.

Babylon Bee Receives Backlash After ‘Racist’ Joke About Vivek Ramaswamy Running ‘White House 7-Eleven’

 MSN (  Trump Promises Vivek An Administration Position Running The White House 7-Eleven | Babylon Bee   . . ."When questioned, Trump was horrified at the accusations that any kind of racial stereotyping played into his selection of Ramaswamy. "I wanted to offer the job to DeSantis, frankly, but he's too short to see over the little hot dog display."

"Conservative comedy website “The Babylon Bee” received backlash on Tuesday after it published a parody news article about Vivek Ramaswamy being offered “a cabinet position running the White House 7-Eleven convenience store.”

"After Ramaswamy dropped out of the Republican presidential race and endorsed former President Donald Trump, the Babylon Bee published an article titled, “Trump Promises Vivek An Administration Position Running The White House 7-Eleven,” which joked that Ramaswamy had accepted the “olive branch” position from Trump.

"The parody article included a fake quote of “Trump” saying, “I’ve always said Vimbik Rumpsalami was a great man, one of the greatest men, to be honest… That’s why I’ve asked Rikki-Tikki-Tavi if he would accept the honor of running the White House 7-Eleven in the West Wing.”

"While many social media users were amused by the post, which received more than 10,000 likes, others accused the Babylon Bee of racism and said it had gone too far."

. . ."The Blaze host Steve Deace called the joke “one of the most brutal headlines these guys have ever done,” while conservative cartoonist George Alexopoulos reacted simply, “Yikes.”

"In response to the criticism, Babylon Bee editor-in-chief Kyle Mann doubled down on the joke, tweeting, “Too far, guys thank you come again” – a reference to the Indian Kwik-E-Mart owner Apu Nahasapeemapetilon from The Simpsons.

"The Babylon Bee is no stranger to controversy, and in March 2023, the website even came under fire from former President Trump himself.

"After records showed that Trump’s rival Ron DeSantis had paid the Babylon Bee $21,500, Trump called the website “a non-entity” and argued, “You don’t spend that much money on The Babylon Bee if you’re running for Governor, in fact, you don’t spend money on The Babylon Bee if you’re running for anything.' ” Meanwhile, Joe does Joe: 1. Biden on Somalia

2. Biden on Biden: “Cannot Go To A 7-Eleven Or Dunkin' Donuts Unless You Have A Slight Indian Accent”

Tucker Carlson Breaks Down The Iowa Result and the Aspirations of Democrats to Elevate Nikki Haley

  The Last Refuge (

"Tucker Carlson gives his take on the results of the Iowa caucus and the next primary election which takes place in New Hampshire.  Carlson accurately outlines the goals and aspirations of the professional political class, and the multinational corporate donors, who are intending to elevate Nikki Haley as the desperate last-ditch effort to block Donald Trump.  WATCH:

"We further determined that the noose was not in place when the October 2019 race weekend began, but was created at some point during that weekend. Given that timing and the garage access policies and procedures at the time, we were unfortunately unable to determine with any certainty who tied this rope in this manner or why it was done.

If this is it, that ain't no serpentine belt.

Did everyone forget Nikki Haley fell for the Bubba Wallace hoax? - Washington Examiner    
. . ."As such, no one should forget Haley’s response to that incident. It was the kind of weak reply, succumbing to a left-wing narrative that many Republican voters have grown tired of over the years. At a time when she could have shown the country how principled, strong, and tough she was, Haley bought the Left’s narrative, caved, and rushed to do her best CNN or MSNBC anchor impression.

"Republican voters want a candidate who will not surrender to the Left on cultural topics. There had been a string of relatively recent hate crime hoaxes at the time (i.e., Jussie Smollett, Covington Catholic, etc.), and the fact she didn’t have the courage or common sense to avoid a rush to judgment should raise many red flags for voters. It showed that, under pressure, Haley seems to be little more than a performative politician. And, more often than not, on cultural topics, when push comes to shove, Nikki Haley will kneel to Democrats instead of standing for Republicans." . . .