Thursday, February 1, 2024

Ilhan Omar makes clear her allegiance, and it’s not to America


Ilhan Omar makes clear her allegiance, and it’s not to America UPDATED - Andrea Widburg   "When sworn into the House, a new congressperson promises to “bear true faith and allegiance” to the Constitution of the United States and, by extension, to the United States itself. Ilhan Omar, however, recently gave a speech in Minnesota in which she identified her fealty as being to Somalia and Islam, boasted about her control over America’s foreign policy, and suggested that a purge or genocide was required in Somalia to purify it for true Somalis. America’s interests, of course, were irrelevant." . . .

Calls Mount to Remove Omar from Congress over Somalia Remarks; Jason Walsh

 Rep. Ilhan Omar backs resolution recognizing Israel as GOP kicks her off committee (

It’s a dramatic evolution for Omar, who infuriated Democrats and Republicans in 2019 after she tweeted that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and other Jewish donors were paying politicians to back Israel, saying: “It’s all about the Benjamins, baby.”

. . ."All Democrats backed Omar on Thursday and voted no on the GOP resolution to remove her from the Foreign Affairs panel."

Pro Palestinians sort of agree Israel not aparthied state. But it kinda is.

So all those families were massacred for kinda good reasons.

. . ."Israel and its defenders reject the idea that it is an apartheid state. Human rights groups Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch (HRW) have said that the Israeli governments' treatment of Palestinians amounts to apartheid." 

Billionaire Donor Explains Why He is No Longer Supporting Harvard, Calls the Students 'Whiny Snowflakes' (VIDEO)

 The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

"It really seems like the public has finally caught on to what a con and joke that higher education has become in recent years and it’s hitting schools where it hurts most. Right in the wallet." We see the evidence in the streets and on campus . TD 

"Harvard has been bleeding financial support since October, when Ivy League students began campus demonstrations in support of Hamas.

"One of their billionaire donors recently explained why he is no longer supporting the institution, calling out the school for its embrace of DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) policies.

"Adding insult to injury, he called the students whiny snowflakes.

"Hedge fund billionaire Ken Griffin, who has donated more than $500 million to Harvard University over the years, has halted contributions to his alma mater and claimed elite schools produce “whiny snowflakes.”

Griffin, one of the richest people in the world, joins a growing list of donors to Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, Columbia and other top schools who have decided to close their checkbooks.

At a conference in Miami on Tuesday, Griffin expressed deep frustration with the state of American universities, including the disastrous testimony before Congress by the presidents of Harvard, MIT and UPenn.

Griffin, the founder of hedge fund Citadel, said he is no longer supporting Harvard financially but would like that to change.

“Until Harvard makes it very clear that they’re going to resume their role as [educators of] young American men and women to be leaders, to be problem solvers, to take on difficult issues, I am not interested in supporting the institution,” Griffin told CNBC’s Leslie Picker during the MFA Network Miami conference." . . .

UNRWA School: Students at School Run by UNRWA Boast about Wanting to Murder Jews

  National Review

Palestinian schoolchildren take part in an activity at a school run by UNRWA in the Shuafat refugee camp in East Jerusalem,

"Students at a school in East Jerusalem run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) were recorded in a recently resurfaced video explaining how they’ve been taught to murder Jews and take part in the generational struggle to reclaim land which they believe belongs to Palestinians. The documentary was shot in 2022 in a school in the Shuafat refugee camp in East Jerusalem and recently resurfaced amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. In the video, students who appear to be as young as seven or eight years old tell an interviewer “we have been taught that the Jews kill our children.' ”

154 Democrats Oppose Criminal Penalties for Illegals Evading Border Agents


"A majority of House Democrats voted against legislation this week that would impose new criminal penalties for illegal aliens leading Border Patrol agents on often deadly high-speed chases.

"On Tuesday, just 56 House Democrats joined 215 House Republicans to pass the “Agent Raul Gonzalez Officer Safety Act,” which would establish new criminal penalties for illegal aliens and others driving vehicles who try to evade Border Patrol agents within 100 miles of the United States-Mexico border.

“ 'We appreciate House Republicans’ efforts to secure our lawless and chaotic border, protect the men and women on the frontlines, and make our communities safer,” Hector Garza, Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council, said in a statement.

"The legislation, introduced by Rep. Jaun Ciscomani (R-AZ), also establishes a new criminal penalty, including a mandatory minimum prison sentence, for those who cause death or serious injury to a Border Patrol agent in a high-speed chase near the border.

"Illegal aliens convicted of the crime, the legislation dictates, would be ineligible to claim asylum and deported from the U.S." . . .

NY Times: Migrants Keep Coming Because They Know They Can Stay

. . .Being hustled into a U.S. Border Patrol vehicle and taken to a processing facility is hardly a setback. In fact, it is a crucial step toward being able to apply for asylum — now the surest way for migrants to stay in the United States, even if few will ultimately win their cases…

In December alone, more than 300,000 people crossed the southern border, a record number.

It is not just because they believe they will be able to make it across the 2,000 mile southern frontier. They are also certain that once they make it to the United States they will be able to stay.

Forever.. . .

Nikki Haley UPDATE: "Here’s what you need to know about E. Jean Carroll" . . .

The standard the plaintiff had to reach in this case was “by a preponderance of the evidence “, not “beyond a reasonable doubt “. Either way she failed. As long as Trump’s fate is left up to juries in New York and Washington, he will loose. We now have an officially corrupt judicial system. As long as this situation persists, it will not matter who his lawyer is.  J. Ronald Parrish

 Thought For The Day – The American Catholic  Her CNN interview  "I thought everyone knew the E. Jean Carroll vs Trump case was bogus, until I heard my mother’s (late 60s Republican) uninformed take on the verdict after watching ABC Nightly News. It’s hard to find on Google, so here’s what you need to know about E. Jean Carroll, most of which was deemed “inadmissible” by the judge: –

She couldn’t recall the date, month, season, or year the incident happened –
She never told anyone about it, despite being publicly obsessed with her own sexuality –
The dress she claims to have been wearing didn’t exist at the time –
Her description of the dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman was inaccurate, making her sequence of events impossible –

Her lawsuit was bankrolled by Jeffrey Epstein pal and Democrat (and Nikki Haley) mega-donor Reid Hoffman –
Democrats created a law (The Adult Survivors Act in 2022) to enable her lawsuit to proceed –
Her accusation is the exact plotline of an episode of Law & Order (one of her “favorite shows”) –
Trump’s Apprentice was also one of her favorite shows –
She has a history of falsely accusing men of r*pe, including Les Moonves –
She told Anderson Cooper, “most people think of r*pe as being sexy. Think of the fantasies.” –
She made a career promoting promiscuity, even writing glowingly of sexual assault and naming her cat Vagina
The case should never have reached a jury either time.  Carroll lacked sufficient evidence to meet her burden of proof of beyond a reasonable doubt.  The Judge and the Juries were on a vengeance ride against Trump and these trials had as much to do with Justice as the Salem witch trials.  In the second trial it didn’t help that Trump was represented by a very pretty, and utterly incompetent, attorney."

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Senators need not bother to apply

 Trump's next Cabinet - Don Surber

"Betsy DeVos won’t be back as education secretary, which is a shame. We need someone who will dismantle the agency. My first choice for wrecking ball is Jim Justice, the governor of West Virginia."

"Never before has the selection of a vice president been more important because in choosing a running mate, President Trump’s may be picking our 47th president. My first choice would be Vivek Ramaswamy, how I love him, how I love him, my Ramaswamy. He is not of Washington, which is the top qualification the next VP must have.
"That he is from the business sector is a drawback because government experience matters. You have to know the enemy. RINOs rolled Trump repeatedly as he foolishly thought the Republican hierarchy would accept him as their president.
"The Republican Senate stuck him with career backstabbers and moles. His first homeland security secretary opposed building the wall.
"They stuck him with those disloyalists thanks to the Senate’s power to veto nominees. To get confirmation, an appointee must survive a gauntlet of RINOs and Democrats.
"This time around, no compromises. Senate Republicans can say no if they want the wrath of the republic.
"A few loyalists got through last time. Ric Grenell proved his mettle as director of national intelligence. Investors should short toilet paper because if he gets a second term, sphincters will tighten so small and so fast, Washington will be poopless.
"Likewise, Dr. Ben Carson served well as HUD secretary. He deserves a promotion. Commerce secretaries are close advisors (Hoover served as Coolidge’s). Trump would have a brain surgeon for those jobs that really are brain surgery." . . .

Miscellaneous news, good and, well, not so good; Jan 31

Obama taught Joe all he knows about red lines.

E. Jean Carroll, who was awarded a $83.3 million settlement from a New York jury against Donald Trump, is making big plans on what she'll do with the money. If you believe in equal justice, it will be one of the most cringeworthy things you'll ever see. Even MSNBC host Rachel Maddow thought it was just a bit off-putting. It was almost as cringe as when Carroll told a stunned Anderson Cooper on CNN about how rape was "sexy."

 "Carroll also accused former CBS Chief Les Moonves of rape, but she didn't bring a lawsuit against him because she said, "he'd just deny it." In this latest case brought by Carroll, she accused Trump of defaming her when he denied the attack."

"Posting on the X platform, Abbott made the perfectly reasonable case that Texas border towns should not foot the bill for Biden's open border policy and will, therefore, continue to send illegal arrivals to so-called "sanctuary cities" such as New York and Chicago until Biden takes decisive action." . . .

Secret Obama Memo Could Impact Jack Smith's Classified Documents Case Against Trump by Cristina Laila   . . ."Special Counsel Jack Smith’s indictment against former President Trump, claims “Trump was not authorized to possess or retain…classified documents.” But Obama’s PITC memo may have created a reasonable belief in President Trump that he, in fact, had such authority. Additionally, if the records Trump allegedly destroyed are still preserved within the EOP or the U.S. Department of Defense as part of PITC-created information systems, then other claims in the indictment may be baseless.  
"These explosive findings are consistent with America First Legal’s whitepaper contending that the President of the United States has absolute authority over presidential papers. Neither Congress nor the federal courts may lawfully abrogate or limit this authority."

. . ."Making matters worse for Clyburn, and by extension Obama, and by extension Biden, many of the younger black voters are aligned with the non-pretending Donald Trump; the guy who actually has delivered on things that are important to them. It’s harder to hate the white guy when the results from the white guy reflect the absence of anything about racial division."

Don’t Mock the Los Angeles Times’ Loss - The American Spectator   . . ."Journalism experienced one of its darkest days last week when the Los Angeles Times laid off 115 of my fellow left-wing activists, roughly 20 percent of the entire staff. Already the reverberations are being felt in Hollywood, where crucial journalistic pieces have been scuttled, including one examining why it’s insensitive for Holocaust films to exclude black, brown, and transgender Jews from being murdered by Nazis.
"Don’t believe me? That’s the problem with modern-day journalism. Nobody believes us any more, for reasons I’ve yet to define. The late Rush Limbaugh once said that journalism is the only business where the customer is always wrong. And it’s the only thing Rush ever got correct.
"Our customers, by and large, are uneducated and racist and need to be told what to think. When they complain about consequential stories like “White drivers are polluting the air breathed by L.A.’s people of color,” they merely grunt their own ignorance because we all know that only white people drive in Los Angeles and, unlike the minority population, do not breath air." . . .
The Babylon Bee took note of this chance for some parody:

. . ." 'I spent years at the Times accusing people of being racist for wanting to solve issues like homelessness, immigration, inflation, diabetes, obesity, male-pattern baldness, rat infestations; you name it!" Gonzalez said. "I'd be happy to call anyone you want racist in exchange for a vegan burger or an ethically sourced soy oat milk caramel mocha frappuccino.' "

Obamas favorite dictatorship. Iran


Iran Threatens to Strike Back – HotAir   . . ."So what else can they do as a “response?” They would probably just continue shooting more things down and launching attacks against our military outposts and/or against Israel. But they’re doing that already, so it’s not that much of an increased threat. If there is any way to get Iran to back down, it will likely require a serious show of force that the Mullahs will be unable to ignore. That’s why I suggested taking out Salami and a couple hundred of his IRGC footsoldiers. He shouldn’t be that hard to find. If that doesn’t work we could drop some bunker busters on their nuclear facilities or take out a few of their naval vessels." . . .

. . ."Wesley Clark, a retired general who was once Nato’s supreme commander in Europe, wrote on X: “The US should stop saying, ‘We don’t want to escalate.’ This invites them to attack us. Stop calling our strikes ‘retaliation’. This is reactive. Take out their capabilities and strike hard at the source: Iran.”
"Biden will now be sensitive to accusations of weakness on the world stage as his fight for re-election – almost certainly against Donald Trump – begins in earnest. But airstrikes in Iran would be a huge step. There may well have been US covert military operations in Iran since the Islamic revolution of 1979, but never an overt strike. Trump came the closest, ordering strikes on Iran with missiles and warplanes in June 2019 in retaliation for the downing of a US drone, but he rescinded the launch order with 10 minutes to go. He said he changed his mind because of the estimated civilian casualties and the consequent risk of an all-out US-Iran war." . . .


 Ann Coulter 

"You want open borders? Go back to the laissez-faire country of the 1940s. Great idea, Ann! Except it’ll never happen because of all the third-worlders already living and voting here. The only thing that works, ever would work and ever will work is mass deportations and a gigantic wall." AC

"Third-worlders killed three Americans in Jordan over the weekend, and our political establishment is ready to start World War III. Which is more of a national security threat: terrorists 6,000 miles away, or our wide-open border?

"People have different ways of evaluating threats, but the most basic test is: Which one kills more U.S. citizens?

"Americans killed by Islamic terrorists in Islamic lands so far this year: 3.

"Americans killed by third-worlders who entered our country illegally so far this year: 150.

"I’m not even counting the 100,000 Americans who die annually of fentanyl and meth delivered by Mexican drug cartels. That’s 270 deaths a day right there.

"But overdose deaths, I’m told, can’t be blamed on Mexico because Americans voluntarily took the drugs. I note that this is the only circumstance in which we’re allowed to blame the addict. In every other context, it’s not the druggie’s fault. It’s a “disease”! Just hand us your checkbook so we can fund the addict’s lifestyle and endless stints in rehab.

"So we’ll ignore those dead Americans, just like open-borders enthusiasts do." . . .

Meanwhile: Pro-Lifers Found Guilty, Face 11 Years in Prison for Peaceful Protest   

 “The Biden Department of Justice’s pattern of arresting and prosecuting peaceful pro-life advocates is disturbing,” Crampton added, noting criticism of the FBI’s alleged targeting of pro-life activists, despite the flood of attacks on pro-life centers and churches by pro-abortion activists following the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision.

Joe Biden's Stupid Plan to Avenge Fallen US Troops: Tell Iran We're Coming, Then Provide the Target List

"Biden was also the only member of Barack Obama’s inner circle to vote against going after Osama bin Laden when the CIA finally found him because he didn’t trust the SEALs."

Andrew Malcolm – RedState "This president of the United States has done so many stupid things in his endless presidency, often intentionally. The incidents glide by day after day like flotsam on a swollen river, and no one does anything but shake their head.
"Joe Biden has done it again. But this time, he’s put even more of our valiant military volunteers' lives at risk.

"Over the weekend, Iran-backed militants managed to slip an armed drone past the alert system at a U.S. Army base in Jordan. The explosion killed three members of the military and wounded more than three dozen others.

" 'I don’t know precisely how you measure pressure in the D.C. Swamp, likely by the decibel level of publicly squawking to media. This time, it was mostly Republicans calling on Biden to take some form of retaliation other than his standard silence. Biden's weakness in foreign affairs is a major theme of the campaign.

"Biden, you may recall, was not forced to seek the presidency. He volunteered to become commander-in-chief, though he had no military experience, like his two immediate predecessors.

"Biden is well-known among Washington-types for his oft-stated disdain for and distrust of the military. He's also well-known for being 81 and acting even older.

"You might remember how moved he was at the solemn return of the military bodies from the homicide bombing at the Kabul airport during the botched Afghan troop exit, checking his watch at least three times as the bodies were unloaded.

"That whole exit chaos was caused by Biden ignoring military advice to leave some troops there to oversee an orderly evacuation. Biden didn’t. The evacuation turned into days of deadly panic and chaos, which Biden continues to call “an extraordinary success.” . . .

Obama, on the other hand, was not stupid like Biden; he was sinister and vindictive. We all assume Joe has handlers; is this how they handle him? TD

More Bad News for Harvard As Its Finances Take Another Massive Hit


"In October, meanwhile, shipping and chemicals magnate Idan Ofer and his wife Batia -- worth an estimated $14 billion -- resigned from their positions on the executive board of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government over their anger about the antisemitic student groups on campus supporting the Hamas attack."

"Harvard University's finances may be about to take another significant hit. 

"The Harvard Crimson reported on Tuesday that billionaire hedge fund manager and megadonor Kenneth C. Griffin would be pausing his donations to the university. 

"Griffin, who donated $300 million to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, announced his decision during his keynote address Managed Funds Association in Miami on Tuesday. 

“I’d like that to change and I have made that clear to members of the corporate board,” he said. “But until Harvard makes it very clear that they’re going to resume their role as educating young American men and women to be leaders, to be problem solvers, to take on difficult issues, I’m not interested in supporting the institution.”

"The 55-year-old added that he was tired of "whiny snowflakes" promoting their far-left progressive ideology through various methods like Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs. 

“Will America’s elite university get back to their roots of educating American children – young adults – to be the future leaders of our country or are they going to maintain being lost in the wilderness of microaggressions, a DEI agenda that seems to have no real endgame, and just being loss in the wilderness?” Griffin asked.

. . ."Griffin's announcement comes several weeks after the university's far-left president, Claudine Gay, reluctantly announced her resignation after giving Congressional testimony in which she refused to condemn calls by Harvard students for genocide as well as a growing body of evidence that she was a serial plagiarizer. "

Predictably and sickeningly, Gay "blamed it on "personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus" rather than her personal failures." TD

UNRWA: ‘Not just a few bad apples’; American youth becoming 'bad apples'

 UN workers in Gaza kidnapped Israeli woman and gave weapons to Hamas (

"The dossier also said some 10 per cent of all of the agency’s 13,000 members of staff in Gaza had ties to Islamist groups, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, according to a separate report by the Wall Street Journal.

"A senior Israeli government official told The Wall Street Journal: “UNRWA’s problem is not just ‘a few bad apples’ involved in the Oct 7 massacre.

“ 'The institution as a whole is a haven for Hamas’ radical ideology.”

"Three of those monitored by Israeli intelligence officers received text messages ordering them to report to muster points on Oct 7, the New York Times reported. 

"Another UNRWA employee was ordered to bring rocket-propelled grenades stored inside his home, according to the documents reviewed by the newspaper.

"The majority of the implicated UN workers were teachers at UNRWA schools.

"Israeli intelligence reportedly tracked the movement of six of the men inside Israel on the day of the attack via their phones. Others were wiretapped and allegedly heard discussing their involvement in the attack during a series of calls." . . .

Why do so many young Americans hate Israel? - The Jerusalem Post (

The article offers reasons but I have to blame poor education in our schools and media. TD

"Israel is not to blame if many young people choose to base their views on misleading Instagram photos, biased college professors, and radical ideologies that falsely paint Israel as a “white supremacist” state.

"Nor is ignorance among the younger generation about foreign affairs a new problem in America. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was bothered by it, too. In the 1930s, polls found 63% of college students favored unilateral American disarmament and many thousands of them signed a public pledge declaring, “We will not support the US government in any war it may conduct.' ”