Saturday, February 3, 2024

The self-righteous Left’s refusal to condemn Hamas rapes is a disgrace

  Camilla Tominey

"The barbaric brutalisation of Israeli women by Hamas is nothing short of a crime against humanity and it is not just wrong, but morally repugnant, that so many of the death cult’s useful idiots continue to deny what has happened, even in the face of mounting evidence."

"The silence of the international feminist community in speaking out against evidence of sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas against Israeli women has been deafening.

"It took the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women nearly eight weeks to condemn the appalling rape and sexual assault carried out by the terrorists on October 7. A full 57 days later, it issued a weak statement saying it was “alarmed” by the reports. Other women’s and human rights groups have consistently dismissed evidence and testimony. 

"It seems women must always be believed – except when they are Israeli, to whom the #MeToo maxim does not seem to apply.

"But I believe them and you should too. On Wednesday, I attended a press conference in the House of Commons when we heard from Israelis who dealt with the bodies of victims.

"Shari Mendes, an architect who was called up as a reservist by the Israeli military to help medics identify those brought to the Shura army base, said many women arrived with no clothing. “Our team commander saw several female soldiers who were shot in the vagina, the crotch or they were shot in the breast. This was gratuitous. This was a deliberate, systematic, genital mutilation.”

"Simcha Greiniman, a volunteer for Zaka, an Israeli religious organisation that collects remains of the dead for burial, said one woman, half-naked from the waist down, was shot in the back of her head and found with a live grenade in her hand. Other victims had nails hammered into their private parts. " . . .  Please read the full article here.

Why Do So Many Young Americans Hate Israel?

 . . . [FDR] characterized his student critics as “young people [who] get a smattering of the subject from two or three speakers who themselves have but a smattering on the subject.”

Saving Private Ryan: "The scene where the GI shows his Jewish "Star of David" medallion to German POWs and tells them: "Ich Jude, ich Jude!" is so outrageous as to be funny.The young German soldiers could be students on American campuses today. TD

The Lid (   . . .Young Americans are turning against Israel, and that’s Israel’s fault, says New York Times columnist Ezra Klein. Is he right?

. . .

    "In a significant January 27 op-ed, Klein pointed to a recent poll showing only 27% of Americans aged 18 to 29—known as “Gen Z”—are more sympathetic to Israel than to the Palestinian Arabs, as compared to 63% of Americans who are 65 or older. According to Klein, that’s because of the policies of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu since young Americans “know only Netanyahu’s Israel.”

  "Nor is ignorance about foreign affairs among the younger generation a new problem in America. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was bothered by it, too.

   "In the 1930s, polls found that 63% of college students favored unilateral American disarmament, and many thousands of them signed a public pledge declaring, “We will not support the U.S. government in any war it may conduct.”

   "They couldn’t be bothered to read up on what was happening in Nazi Germany and the threat Hitler posed to world peace. They were worried about being drafted. They preferred sweet fantasies of peace to the reality of a world headed for war. And some just wanted to mimic “what the cool kids were doing”—they saw that many British university students were signing the Oxford Pledge, vowing that “under no circumstances” would they “fight for [their] king and country.”

The height of irony when Muslims call Israelis "Nazis

And I still refer to Antifa's "Summer of Love" as Kristallnacht, which they resent. TD

Did you know this about America-hating Ilhan Omar?

Did you know this about America-hating Somali Congressmuslim Ilhan Omar?

Ilhan Omar’s father was the top propaganda official in the genocidal Somalian Barre regime, after which he changed his name (and Ilhan’s), then entered U.S. illegally.

"Gateway Pundit (h/t Nita) David Steinberg published an extensive report on the alleged crimes and history of Rep. Ilhan Omar and the “Omar” family. In his report, David found that the Omar family changed their name in order to enter the United States.
"Via PowerLineBlogIn 1995, Ilhan entered the United States as a fraudulent member of the “Omar” family.
"That is not her family. The Omar family is a second, unrelated family which was being granted asylum by the United States. The Omars allowed Ilhan, her genetic sister Sahra, and her genetic father Nur Said to use false names to apply for asylum as members of the Omar family.
"Ilhan’s genetic family split up at this time. The above three received asylum in the United States, while Ilhan’s three other siblings — using their real names — managed to get asylum in the United Kingdom. Ilhan Abdullahi Omar’s name, before applying for asylum, was Ilhan Nur Said Elmi.
"Her father’s name before applying for asylum was Nur Said Elmi Mohamed. Her sister Sahra Noor’s name before applying for asylum was Sahra Nur Said Elmi. Her three siblings who were granted asylum by the United Kingdom are Leila Nur Said Elmi, Mohamed Nur Said Elmi, and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi."   Read more... 

When Everything is Racist There's No Room for Reason

  Opinion (    

A free corporate media, presenting multiple sides of an issue and allowing for an open exchange of ideas on opinion pages, has given way to mob- and media-approved narratives and calls to silence and banish all dissent to the outer rim." . . .

. . ."This is the unfortunate place our country is in today. For the Left, the connective tissue that runs through every issue is the noxious claim of "systemic racism." It takes on many forms, such as critical race theory, intersectionality, and the accusation that everything is a relic of the Jim Crow era. There is no debate or defense because the accusation is designed to skip the trial and move straight to sentencing. If it's a symbol it is torn down. If it's a person they are deplatformed, silenced, fired and doxed by the Twitterati. If it's a business or corporation it will be listed in The New York Times.

" 'It's no surprise that calls for Carlson's firing came from the usual woke mob. But even the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), an organization that should have a solid handle on what racism is, decided to insert itself in the middle of a legitimate debate about immigration. It forcefully came down in favor of cancel culture by sending a letter of condemnation to Fox News demanding Carlson's termination.

"The letter referred to Carlson's monologue as a "full-on embrace" and "open-ended endorsement of white supremacist ideology." Despite writing, "we believe in dialogue and giving people a chance to redeem themselves," the ADL concluded that "this is not legitimate political discourse." This letter marks the ADL's unfortunate transformation into just another arm of the ever-expanding progressive Left. After all, the ADL and the progressive wing it parrots aren't merely trying to cancel Tucker Carlson. Their goal is to quash the debate on immigration entirely." . . .

Far-left Rep. Ayanna Pressley accuses Walgreens of racism over Boston store closure (    I was laid off at work once. Was that racism?

Here are all the innocuous things that suddenly became racist in 2017 | National Post

Case in point: Dunkirk. Yes. Dunkirk.

"Dunkirk dominated box offices everywhere from Japan to South Africa to Germany. Still, it weathered a barrage of critical complaints, most notably that it was somehow racist for featuring only white male characters – despite the fact that the actual Dunkirk evacuation was pretty white and male itself. The U.K. would eventually win the Second World War with one of history’s most ethnically diverse military alliances, but in the spring of 1940 it was still mostly a low-melanin conflict."
In "The Battle Of The Bulge", I noticed all the SS troops were played by white actors. TD

Friday, February 2, 2024

Guess What Happened After Biden Gave Iran a Preview of Its Retaliation Plans?

. . ."Of course, it's quite obvious that the Biden administration never wanted the "element of surprise" at all. Biden has simply been continuing the Obama-era policy of appeasement." . . . "Iran got the notice it needed to allow Biden to appear to respond to the deaths of three U.S. troops without any meaningful consequences to Iran." . . .

Matt Margolis – PJ Media   . . ."Biden has been talking tough with Iran for many, many weeks, and Iran has repeatedly proven that it is not deterred by his words. But the moment troops were killed, Biden was suddenly under pressure to respond with more than just idle threats. And he did promise a response.

"And then promptly broadcast those plans to Iran.

Sources within the administration leaked the details of potential moves by the administration to Politico. 

"Within the administration, top aides are trying to thread a needle,” Jonathan Lemire and Alexander Ward of Politico reported Monday night. "Biden is ordering his advisers to present a range of U.S. response options that would forcefully deter other attacks while also not further inflaming a smoldering region, according to two officials granted anonymity because they are not authorized to speak publicly about private deliberations."

"According to the report, "Among the options on the table for the Pentagon: striking Iranian personnel in Syria or Iraq or Iranian naval assets in the Persian Gulf, according to the officials. The Iranian government, for its part, has suggested that a strike on Iran itself would be a red line. The officials suggested that, once the president gave the go-ahead, the retaliation would likely begin in the next couple of days and come in waves against a range of targets."

"The administration subsequently leaked which targets had been approved." . . .

East Palestine Mayor Humiliates Biden In Epic Statement, Suggests He Should Visit After Losing To Trump

 Trending Politics  "In a recent interview on Fox, East Palestine, Ohio Mayor Trent Conaway firmly stood by his earlier critique of President Joe Biden’s response to the toxic explosion that devastated the town nearly a year ago.

"In a statement that originally made waves after the incident, Mayor Conaway suggested that the most fitting time for President Biden to visit East Palestine would be in February 2025, humorously implying that such a visit would be more appropriate for a book tour – suggesting a Trump victory – rather than a meaningful engagement with the town’s urgent needs in the aftermath of the disaster.

“ 'The best time for Biden to visit would be February 2025 when he’s on his book tour,” Conaway said in January.

"The comments came to the forefront again during a recent interview with Kelly Severi of Fox Business. When pressed about his previous remarks, the Mayor unequivocally reaffirmed his stance, underscoring his deep-seated frustration with the current administration.

“ 'I 100% stand by the comment about the book tour. I think that’s the best time for him personally,” Conaway said. “I think the best time for him to come would have been whenever this happened.' ” . . .

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office called the U.S. decision “courageous,” ; Between Obama and Biden, you know.


2018: Trump administration pulls US out of UN human rights council | AP News   . . .The announcement came just a day after the U.N. human rights chief, Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein, denounced the Trump administration for separating migrant children from their parents. But Haley cited longstanding U.S. complaints that the 47-member council is biased against Israel. She had been threatening the pull-out since last year unless the council made changes advocated by the U.S.

“Regrettably, it is now clear that our call for reform was not heeded,” Haley said " . . .

J6 Committee Admits Show Trials Were A Publicity Stunt

 The Federalist

"The Soviet-style committee eventually became the legacy project for ousted Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, who served as vice chair of the panel. By August, Cheney’s futile bid for re-election among one of the nation’s most conservative electorates was characterized as a “Kamikaze Campaign” by New York Magazine.' 

"Key members of the since-disbanded Select Committee on January 6th admit in a new PBS documentary that the entire operation was an election-year publicity stunt.

On Wednesday, Frontline PBS published a new documentary, “Democracy on Trial,” chronicling the House committee’s work. Pivotal players on the partisan probe conceded in the two-and-half-hour documentary that the panel’s public performances produced for prime-time television were orchestrated as entertainment media.

" 'The one thing that we knew was the information that we have is compelling,” said Illinois congressman-turned CNN commentator Adam Kinzinger. “The thing we needed to do was tell that to the American people in a compelling way.”

"The Jan. 6 Committee turned to former ABC News President James Goldston to produce their hearings that occurred just months before the 2022 midterms. The panel also hired another producer whose résumé included stints at Bloomberg, ABC News “Nightline,” and “Good Morning America.”

" 'I got a call pretty much out of the blue from the January 6th committee,” Goldson told the documentary. “They wanted a storyteller.' ” . . .

Read the Republican Censure of Cheney and Kinzinger - The New York Times (

Supporting Israel's War Against Hamas Aligns With Loving America

 "Hamas’ crimes against humanity are a fact. They are backed up by the evidence collected and compiled here. Do not fall for Hamas’ disinformation and media distortion. Extreme viewer discretion is advised. These videos should not be seen by children or by anyone not mentally prepared to witness the graphic reality of Hamas atrocities."

Al Bienenfeld - American Thinker

The answer is that the Holocaust makes it important, not just because of what happened to the Jews, but because of what it says about modern man’s capacity to dehumanize those whom he dislikes and then embark upon a global slaughter. 

"The Holocaust was a unique event in world history. It wasn’t just one nation going to war against another, something that often ends in mass slaughter. It was the German people’s decision to erase Jews from the face of the earth, a plan put into effect after accelerating centuries of dehumanizing rhetoric about Jews meant to highlight their status as enemies, not just of Germany but all humankind. The world did not care. Sadly, on both the left and the right, we’re seeing Americans slip into that mindset. Doing so is not only offensive, but it also ignores Israel’s strategic importance to America." . . .

"On October 7, Hamas, with the apparent support of a majority of Gaza’s population, embarked upon a bloody massacre that would have made the Nazis proud. As with the Nazis, it was preceded by decades and centuries of eliminationist rhetoric. And as with the Nazis, who sought world domination, the Islamists, are merely starting with the Jews and are open about their plans for the rest of the world.

"Things are different this time, though. Unlike the 1930s, when people were dismayed or disinterested, this time around, in cities across the West and at the heart of the West’s intellectual life (the universities), people are siding with the Nazis." . . .

HAMAS MASSACRE: Festival goer trying to flee Hamas:10/7, 2023

. . ."There are several good reasons for America to support Israel at this pivotal time.

"First, the Chinese are watching to see if America stands by our ally Israel to determine if we will support Taiwan.

"Second, Israeli technology is now a critical part of our national defense. We currently have several joint ventures for missile defense systems ongoing between our two countries. Out of necessity, Israel is the world’s foremost expert in this field. Its iron dome missile defense system (short-range defense) is legendary and, since 2014, has been co-produced in America as a joint venture between Israel’s Raphael Advanced Defense Systems and Raytheon. There is ongoing work between the two to develop countermeasures against cruise missiles and long-range ballistic missiles. Boeing is in a partnership with Israel Aerospace Industries to develop defensive systems for short, medium, and long-range threats."

AL Bienenfeld: Born November 5, 1953 in Baltimore, MD. Parents – Henry and Helen Bienenfeld, Polish Jews, Holocaust Survivors, both came to America in 1948. Father deceased – 2013, Mother deceased – 2016. Raised in Philadelphia, Education – University of Pittsburgh 1971-75, Civil Engineering.

News in brief; 2/2

 Day 5, 120 Hours, and Biden Has Yet To Respond To Iran's Killing Yanks | The New York Sun (  . . ."General Austin is concerned about the Houthis and ISIS. Well, OK. Iran, though, is the puppeteer and paymaster. American officials are leaking that the response will not include Iran, but will hit Iranian proxies in Iraq and Syria.

"To me, this is simply not enough. We are not hurting Iran. We are not telling the Chinese to stop financing this war by buying Iranian oil.

"We are not interdicting or impounding Iranian oil ships that are violating the sanctions put in place by Congress and authored by the Trump administration." . . .Lawrence Kudlow

Obama was no better and even treated Iran as friends and allies. TD

Starting with the Obama administration, however, U.S. policy has seesawed between appeasement and confrontation, leading to a dangerously volatile situation.

WATCH: Newsom Describes Seeing Theft in Target; His Reaction Is Truly Wild and Says Everything About Him – RedState

WATCH: Illegal Aliens Who Beat Cops Have a Nasty Message for America - This Is Where Biden Has Led Us – RedState

Mob of Illegals Savagely Beats NYPD Officers, Some Apprehended but Immediately Let Loose With No Bail – RedState

 El Salvador's President Lights Up Ilhan Omar in Brutal Tweet – RedState

Tampons Unwelcome in Canadian Military Men's Rooms - Moonbattery

October 7 Victims, in a Blockbuster Suit, Take on Iran, Syria, and a Cryptocurrency Exchange

  The New York Sun   An attorney spearheading the case to hold terrorists accountable tells the Sun that he is ready to ‘fight in a New York courtroom.’

"The Wall Street Journal reported in November that cryptocurrency had “become a method of large-scale transfers between Iran” and Hamas. Iran allegedly sent Hamas $350 million last year." 

"The filing of a civil lawsuit in federal court in New York opens a new front — tort law — in the effort to hold Hamas, its patrons, and its financial front accountable for the atrocities of October 7.

"The suit seeks compensation not only from the regimes at Tehran and Damascus, but also from the crypto currency exchange Binance, which  it accuses of providing a financial platform for terrorism.  

"The case is brought by a class of plaintiffs all of whom are American citizens who have suffered from Hamas’s brutality. Two of them, Judith Raanan and her daughter Natalie, were kidnapped to Gaza on October 7, and released thereafter. Other members of the class are family members of people killed in the terrorist onslaught.  Generally, suits against foreign governments are barred in American courts, but such laws as the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act and the Foreign Services Immunities Act empower plaintiffs to pierce that sovereign immunity for states that are implicated in terrorism.

"The Flatow Amendment to the latter statute — an amendment named for Alisa Flatow, who was killed by Iran in 1995 and whose father pioneered in piercing sovereign immunity —  ordains that foreign states “shall be liable to a United States national … for personal injury or death caused by acts of that” state. This suit calls Iran a “co-planner” of October 7 and alleges that Syria “provided weapons and funding to Hamas.”

"The plaintiffs also allege that Syria supplied Hamas with Captagon, an amphetamine whose sale is “believed to be a financial source for terrorist groups and which was used by Hamas terrorists to promote feelings of rage, irritability, and impatience, all of which encouraged them to murder and torture their victims.” . . .

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Trump Is CRUSHING Biden in EVERY Swing State! Latest Polling. Poor Biden… What will Democrats do with him?

  Whatfinger News Summary   "Hello everybody and welcome back to Red Eagle politics. Make sure you guys like this video down below and subscribe to the channel if you are new so currently we are looking at the 2024 Battleground election map this video is not going to be a prediction because I do my predictions usually at the beginning of the month so you guys get a new updated 2024 presidential prediction tomorrow between Trump and Joe Biden but today we have to look at some poll in because they pulled every single swing state cuz you can look at the national polls and you see Trump is ahead and many of them except for one release today which we’ll talk about a little bit later but they all show Trump up big." . . .


James O'Keefe on X: "BREAKING VIDEO: Top White House Cyber Official tells O’Keefe in Disguise “they can't say it publicly” the White House wants to replace Kamala Harris and Confirms President @JoeBiden mental decline: “Biden is definitely slowing down.” “I'm just telling you what I've heard……" / X (

"Journalist James O’Keefe has done it again. The former CEO of Project Veritas posted undercover video footage on social media on Wednesday highlighting a conversation with a White House official that had spilled the tea on President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

"Much of what was exposed in the video had already been reported in one way or another, but the undercover operation added another layer of confirmation to what has been made public over the president’s tenure in office.

"The subject of the operation was Charlie Kraiger, a White House cybersecurity policy analyst, who admitted that the staff knows that Biden’s age has become a serious issue and that some would like to see another Democratic candidate take his place. He also brought up Harris’ managerial problems as well as discussions on removing her from the ticket.

"Top White House Cyber Official tells O’Keefe in Disguise “they can't say it publicly” the White House wants to replace Kamala Harris and Confirms President @JoeBiden mental decline: “Biden is definitely slowing down.”

“I'm just telling you what I've heard… they’re really concerned about it”

…“I think they need to get rid of him or her.”

“But no one in modern history has ever said, like, ‘We're not going to renominate the president for a second term.’”

Charlie Kraiger @CharlieKraiger, a Cybersecurity policy analyst and Foreign affairs Desk Officer in the Executive Office at the White House, tells O’Keefe “I had a meeting with Michelle Obama @michelleobama….

Someone asked her, ‘Will you ever run for office?’ And she said, ‘No’ Empathically.” She was like, ‘I've seen all this shit my husband has had to go through and that does not interest me.’ . . .

. . ."The video gives a backstage view of what is happening inside the White House and the Democratic Party. Now, everyone can see that things aren’t exactly as hunky-dory as leftists would have us believe. Of course, it’s not surprising. Several members of the chattering class have weighed in on Harris' inability to retain staff or even speak coherently during public appearances. In fact, a new book recently came out that spilled even more tea about Harris."