Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Judge Engoron May Have Destroyed New York With His Insane Ruling

Hochul lets the cat out of the bag about how politicized New York's prosecution of Trump was; Monica Showalter - American Thinker

. . ."They can fund their entire state budget shortfalls on just by confiscating huge businesses and their assets on technical legal grounds and prosecutorial favorites and whims.

"In the end, investors will see what's going on, decide to flee to states that still have actual rule of law, and their New York properties will be sold to the communist Chinese or other unsavory players the New York ruling elites won't want to mess with, which is exactly what happened in Venezuela when Hugo Chavez started expropriating properties. When I visited Venezuela in late 2005, desperate property owners told me they had no choice but to sell their properties to avoid getting them confiscated and the only buyers for them were FARC's Marxist narcoterrorists because they were Chavista allies. Look for that same dynamic to start happening in New York as a result of this judicial travesty." . . .

Judge Engoron May Have Destroyed New York With His Insane Ruling – PJ Media

‘What Fraud?' Kevin O'Leary Destroys CNN Host Over Latest Trump Verdict

. . ."O'Leary reiterated that this isn't about Trump. "I don't care about Trump in this. I care about America, and I care about entrepreneurship, and I care about democracy and the fairness. The judicial system is now being criticized. People are asking themselves — the bar of New York — is this judge rational to charge $355 million in a case where no one lost any money? Is that good for the people of New York? Should the people of New York wake up to this and say 'What's happening to us? Why is this becoming so perverse? Why are we the focus of this injustice?' [It has] nothing to do with Trump. I'm not supporting Trump, I'm supporting American entrepreneurship, and New York is slowly becoming the number one loser state in America. I'm sorry. That's what's happening." . . . 

NY A.G. on Fear Trump Ruling Will Drive Away Business: Tourism, Wall Street Are Good -- Will Seize His Assets if Needed (   "During a portion of an interview with ABC News Senior Investigative Correspondent Aaron Katersky aired on Tuesday’s broadcast of ABC’s “World News Tonight,” New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) responded to concerns that the fraud verdict against 2024 Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump will force businesses out of the state by stating that “tourism is up and Wall Street is doing just fine.”

"After playing a clip of James saying that if Trump can’t pay the judgment, they’ll request the seizure of his assets, Katersky said, “Trump was held liable for exaggerating his wealth and inflating the value of his real estate so banks would give him low-interest loans. Trump insisted the banks liked doing business with him.”

"He then played a clip where he asked James, “They said no victim, no one got harmed, the banks got paid back. So, no harm, no foul. Why is that not the case in your view?”

"James responded, “So, financial frauds are not victimless crimes. He engaged in this massive amount of fraud. And it wasn’t just a simple mistake, a slight oversight, the variations were wildly exaggerated, and the extent of the fraud was staggering.”. . . 

"Not Your Father's Democratic Party"

 Derek Hunter (

From this.....

. . ."Most curious is how there is literally no one on the left willing to be critical of it. There has been no “Sister Souljah moment,” no Democrat willing to tell this violent mob, or the entitled brats on college campuses, or arrogant and ignorant Members of Congress that this country is not the horrific, racist, sexist, homophobic root of all evil in the world they chant it is. 

"Not one Democrat stands up for the country against this destructive mob, they embrace it.

"This is not the party of JFK – someone who served this country, who was anti-communist. He wasn’t perfect, but he wasn’t anything near what that party is now. Their 1960 nominee would not even be allowed a daytime speaking slot at their convention today. 

"As you hear Joe Biden whine about how the Republican Party has changed, as him how? Look up everything he’s spent his career advocating and ask if any of what he said he supported in his first presidential run in 1988 is something he supports today. His only legislative “accomplishment” in four decades in the Senate was the 1994 crime bill, which he had to denounce because Democrats no longer support the idea of imprisoning criminals." . . .

 . . . to this

Should Hamas be eliminated?

 Should Hamas be eliminated? - Quora

The truth is that Israel has had ENOUGH of a terrorist government who not only couldn't stop launching missiles at them ever since they obtained power...but had the unmitigated nerve to invade them. Not to take territory for Palestinians, but to KILL JEWS. It was the only purpose of the October 7 invasion. 

Executed without pity: . . . wounded female Israeli soldiers cowering
under a table after being injured by a grenade are shot dead by Hamas

"Hamas, after four months of fighting the Israelis, are causing the destruction of Gaza and the death of thousands of Palestinians, not Israel. They do this by not laying down their arms, not admitting they made a mistake by attacking Israel so brutally, and refusing to surrender power to a more reasonable authority.

"Hamas has recently proposed a cease fire, but the terms favor only Hamas. They want to do it in three stages. They want the release of 1,500 Palestinians from Israeli prisons. They want the right to SELECT a great many of them. If they get these terms, they can still say they won the war and got the release of their friends and co-terrorists. I will be surprised if Israel agrees to these terms. When you are beat, you should surrender, not try to get ridiculous terms and somehow remain in power. They also want help rebuilding Gaza.

"On a side note regarding problems Hamas ALSO caused...attacks on shipping in the Red Sea against unarmed cargo vessels. Or attacks on US personnel overseas. Or possibly bringing on a third World War and the world economy to a crashing halt. All based on the worst of human emotions. Hatred.

"I think Israel is doing the right thing and telling the world, "It stops HERE. It MUST STOP HERE.' "


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Phyllis Chesler; Silence of the Feminist Lambs: Not a Word on Hamas Horrors

 Those supporters of #MeToo said nothing. The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  

Robin said, “It would look bad if a white feminist accused a black man of rape.” This concern was not shared by many of the Black African women who attended the conference. As the late Motlalepula Chabaku said, “Let’s confront this dirty dog.” 

"In 2005, I published a book titled The Death of Feminism. At the time, I was focused on how Western feminists had become obsessed more with the alleged “occupation” of a country that has never existed — Palestine — than with the real occupation of women’s bodies in Gaza and on the West Bank, who were being forced into hijab, niqab, and child and arranged marriages, or who were being honor killed by their families for minor or imagined infractions. This form of femicide is primarily a Muslim-on-Muslim crime both in the West and in Muslim countries but, to a lesser extent, also takes place among Hindus in India, and, less frequently, among Sikhs. Honor killing is likely a tribal custom that religious leaders have failed to abolish, I wrote, one in which women also collaborate.

"Both Stalinized and Palestinianized feminists and rabid Islamists denounced me as an “Islamophobe” for prioritizing the rights of women of color over and above the rights of the men (and women) of color who were terrorizing and even killing them. I was also condemned as a “Zionist” for questioning the sacredness of Palestinian victimhood.

"Thus, I may have been among a handful of people not surprised by the feminist silence on Hamas’ Oct. 7 pogrom-on-steroids. It does not ease my sorrow that so many others, including the worldwide media and professoriate, human rights groups, and the United Nations, are also actively engaging in Oct. 7 denialism, as well as in relentless and vicious blood libels against the Jewish state, every single day.

"By the late afternoon of Oct. 7, I was a cognitive warrior on fire. Between Oct. 11 and Jan. 25, I had published 24 articles on the subject and been interviewed about it 10 times.

"Most second-wave feminists have died, suffered strokes, or are struggling with either dementia or cancer. Many are disabled. They are no longer “dancing in the streets.” But some of my long-time allies still attend conferences, march, sign petitions, write articles, and speak out.

"These are the feminist allies who did not respond to the articles that I sent them about their shameful, even unbearable, silence. Perhaps they felt that Israel deserved whatever it got but were too embarrassed to say that to me. Instead, they said nothing." . . .

Israel Gaza: Hamas raped and mutilated women on 7 October, BBC hears  

Police have privately shown journalists a single horrific testimony that they filmed of a woman who was at the Nova festival site during the attack.  She describes seeing Hamas fighters gang rape a woman and mutilate her, before the last of her attackers shot her in the head as he continued to rape her. 

Rashida Tlaib, we know you spoke of visiting family and friends in Israel. Perhaps the male relatives you'd see would love to read these accounts and even look for their names or photos. Do you have any family or friends who flew into the music festival on a kite? The Tunnel Dweller.

ARCCI Report - Sexual Crimes in the October 7 #Hamas terrorist attack | PDF | Rape | Sexual Violence

"The report notes that many victims who survived, especially male victims, may be reluctant to come forward with their stories, and that evidence of past and ongoing crimes is still being collected.  The report has been presented to the United Nations." (Which will cower in feckless fear. TD) 

"Israel released an initial report Wednesday into sexual violence committed by Hamas during the October 7 terror attack."

"The report, compiled by the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel (ARCCI), was carefully compiled from eyewitness testimonies and the available forensic evidence. As Breitbart News reported in November, accusations of rape, sexual assault, and other acts of sexual violence were initially difficult to compile because Israeli authorities were focused on stopping the Hamas attack.

"However, in the weeks that followed, eyewitnesses began to come forward and to describe sexual violence, much of it deeply sadistic, against both women and men, both during the October 7 attack and against Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.

"The new report describes horrific atrocities, including gang rape; the mutilation of female and male genitals; the physical and psychological torture of rape victims; and evidence that relatives and friends of victims were forced to watch these sexual assaults."

Hamas’s attack included violent acts of rape, accompanied by threats with weapons, and in some cases targeted towards injured women. Many of the rapes were carried out as a group, with the participation of violent terrorists. Often, the rape was perpetrated in front of an audience – partners, family, or friends – in a manner intended to increase the pain and humiliation of all present. Hamas terrorists hunted young women and men who fled the Nova festival, and according to testimonies, dragged them by their hair amid screams. The actions targeted women, girls, and men. In most cases, the victims were killed after or even during the rape.

Are they hearing this on American campuses? Do Democrats in Congress know about this? 

In Gaza, anger grows at Hamas along with fury at Israel : NPR

Kamala Harris Moves To Second Place In ‘Worst Diversity Hire Of All Time’


Babylon Bee   "WASHINGTON, D.C. — In an unexpected turn of events, Vice President Kamala Harris was removed from the top spot of "Worst Diversity Hire of All Time" after Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis opened her mouth during a televised trial about inappropriate use of funds and an alleged affair with a top prosecutor of former President Donald Trump.
" 'DA Willis' perfectly executed court disaster may not have been enough to get her to top the proven record of VP Harris," said one onlooker, "But wearing her dress backwards, what a coup de grace!"
"Those close to Kamala Harris say her team is scrambling to prepare her to assume the role of President now that she is no longer the most embarrassing example of racial diversity efforts to ever live.
"In a public statement released shortly after the incredible, live circus act of Fani Willis, VP Kamala Harris stated, "I am now, as have ever been, ready for the responsibilitous station imparted on me to be ready, now and forever, for the role of President of the United States, which is what presidents are called."
"At publishing time, Kamala Harris had regained First Place as "Worst Diversity Hire of All Time" after opening her mouth while on television."

As seen below, a social media user found the dress on Amazon and it apparently comes with zippers on the front and back — the fact she’s buying her dresses on Amazon for $42.99 may be an issue for another day.It’s on backwards? Peculiar feature on Fani Willis’ dress blows up the internet (
HOLY CRAP you guys 😂 this is the new “Dress” controversy. There are so many big accounts saying Fani’s dress was on backwards and comparing it to some random pink dress on Poshmark. It’s not even the same dress and it’s not on backwards.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Get Out of New York, If You Can

 William A. Jacobson (

Rough politics has given way to the political weaponization of prosecutors’ offices. The price of living in and doing business in New York should not be that you have to be politically obedient.

"My parents’ parents were born and lived in New York. My parents were born and lived in New York. I was born and grew up in New York, went to college in New York, and returned to New York after law school for a decade. My children were born in New York. Some of my grandchildren were born in New York. I work in New York and live part of the year in New York.

"At one time, I even had an “I  NY” t-shirt.

"Now I’m counting down the years until I retire from Cornell and can leave New York completely and for good, never to look back.

"It’s not ‘just’ the taxes, moribund bureaucracies, regulatory madness, weak economy, crime, sanctuary city policies, and embrace of de-policing and non-prosecution. That would be and is bad enough, and already is depopulating the state.

"It’s something more now. Rough politics has given way to the political weaponization of prosecutors’ offices. It’s dangerous and sets a tone for the entire state that political opponents of those in power are living – and operating their businesses – on borrowed time.

"I don’t care what you think of Donald Trump, it’s disgusting, unseemly, and in my view completely unethical for a prosecutor to run for office pledging not only to get a political opponent, but also his family. That’s what Letitia James did when she ran for New York Attorney General. She then fulfilled that campaign promise, weaponizing her massive and powerful office to scour through Trump’s businesses to find a crime, but she found none that could be prosecuted so she brought a civil lawsuit to ruin Trump and his family.

"Nothing about this process was within norms of how prosecutors should conduct themselves and their offices. It may not be unprecedented, but it’s still clearly wrong." . . .

Rashida, this young girl has been through torment. As a woman, will you comfort her please?

Terrorist ‘sexually assaulted hostage at gunpoint’: Freed captive recounts testimony - Quora    Entire article posted here. TD

(Released hostage Agam Goldstein-Almog speaks in a documentary about sexual abuse perpetrated by Hamas

Released hostage Agam Goldstein-Almog described a harrowing case of sexual violence suffered by another hostage in Hamas captivity in a clip released Tuesday from an in-production documentary fronted by former Meta COO Sheryl Sandberg. Goldstein-Almog, 17, said she was sitting with the hostage one evening while they were still in Gaza and had asked her what she had been through.“She started crying, and I cried with her,” she said.

Goldstein-Almog recounted the girl’s story of her last night with a guard before she was moved to another location. Even though the hostages had been told that none were being held alone, the girl said it was just her and the guard for a time.The night before she was moved, the guard told the girl to get herself cleaned up and while she was washing herself in the sink, he came up behind her and held a gun to her head.“He started kissing her, and she started crying,” Goldstein-Almog described. “Then he took off all her clothes and touched her all over her body.”

She continued, describing how the guard assaulted the girl for half an hour while continuing to hold the gun to her head and she did not stop crying the whole time.

“I asked her, ‘Did you do what he told you?’ and she said, ‘Of course. I didn’t have the option not to,'” Goldstein-Almog recounted.

“The next day they moved her to a different location and she never saw him again and he told her never to tell anyone.”

Goldstein-Almog told Sandberg that most of the hostages she had spoken to recounted similar stories of sexual or physical abuse at the hands of Hamas.

The former hostage’s testimony was released as a preview for the documentary, titled “Screams Before Silence,” which will be released in April and include testimonies from survivors, released hostages and first responders.

The aim of the film is to highlight the sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas terrorists during the organization’s devastating attack on southern Israel, in which it killed some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and kidnapped 253, triggering an ongoing war.

Fani Willis’s and Nathan Wade’s testimony cries out for an investigation

 Timothy Jankowski - American Thinker

Imagine for a moment that Fani Willis’ concept of ethics was to be the norm for government officials... A lobbyist for a defense contractor could drop off a new Porsche at the home of a congressman on the Defense Appropriation Committee right before that congressman voted to grant a large contract to the company the lobbyist represents.

Reality Bites by Broc Smith.

"Fani Willis’s and Nathan Wade’s testimony, to date, indicates that they allegedly engaged in the lowest form of money laundering, something that seems to have blindsided the state’s attorney general. On the facts, though, it’s clear that both need to be investigated and, perhaps, given the boot.

"To frame the import of their testimony, consider that, occasionally, a pitcher will be called up from the minors in Major League Baseball. He’ll then strike out top hitters by throwing “fastballs” that peak at 70 mph. These are high-school speed pitches, but they somehow baffle big-league hitters. Why is this? Because the pitches are unexpectedly low-tech.

"Thanks to scientific techniques, hitters are used to seeing pitches bearing down at them faster than 95 mph with sharp movement. When they see this slow, floating white object languidly approaching them, it confuses them, throwing off their timing and causing them to miss the ball entirely.

"Viewing Fani Willis’s seeming money laundering as low-tech may explain why Georgia’s Republican Attorney General of Georgia has not already announced an investigation into her activities. In a hi-tech world, where people engage in sophisticated machinations to avoid detection, a scheme so basic and lacking in complexity confuses members of law enforcement." . . .

"Before the hearing began, the question being asked most often was whether Ms. Willis and Mr. Ward would be allowed to remain involved with the prosecution of President Trump. Now the question is whether Ms. Willis will be allowed to keep her license to practice law."

Groundbreaking IDF Raid Captures Hamas Leader Sinwar Underground

Beyond The Headlines

"In this video, we provide an exclusive look at the capture of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar by the Israel Defense Forces in a terror tunnel. We delve into the strategic significance of this operation and its implications for the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. Join us at Beyond the Headlines for in-depth analysis and updates on this developing story."

Rashida Tlaib: 'If You Want to Be Louder, Vote Uncommitted'

 Rashida Tlaib: 'If You Want to Be Louder, Vote Uncommitted' – HotAir

"Not a word of concern over Palestinians burning babies alive, machine-gunning families, and raping young Israeli women repeatedly.". . .

. . ."It's all about votes for our demented president. It's bad enough he looks feeble domestically. It is dangerous that he looks weak on the world stage. Who is afraid of Joe Biden? Not Putin. Not Hamas, a proxy of Iran. Does anyone think Xi is worried about Joe Biden? Biden banned government electronic devices from using TikTok and now his campaign is using it to attract young voters. You can't make this stuff up. 

"Tlaib and the Hamas caucus want Israel to retreat. The only way that Israel can stop fighting is when they destroy Hamas. Israel can no longer have Hamas living on its border. Joe Biden should put America first and America's loyal ally in the Middle East by stiffening his spine in his support of Israel. Instead, he is more concerned about his re-election. This is a disgrace. Joe Biden is not fit to be president." . . .

The repulsive, angry, Joy-Reidish Tlaib has not one bit of sorrow for the families killed, tortured, or burned alive by her countrymen; not a bit of blame for the ghastly deeds done by her people that led to all the violence in Gaza. If she wants peace for her people, she must learn they have to be the people a nation would respond to welcome as neighbors. TD

Israel/Palestine: Videos of Hamas-Led Attacks Verified | Human Rights Watch (

WATCH: Hamas Terrorists Commit Atrocities Against Israeli Citizens

"Palestinian terrorist group Hamas committed widespread atrocities against Israeli citizens after its gunmen infiltrated the Jewish state in an unprovoked assault."Hamas in the wake of the terror attacks released videos of its forces parading dead and wounded Israelis around the Gaza Strip, where the terror group is based."Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in an address vowed "mighty vengeance" against Hamas." 'We will strike them to the bitter end and avenge with force this black day they brought upon Israel and its people," he said. "All the places in which Hamas is based, in this city of evil, all the places Hamas is hiding in, acting from—we'll turn them to rubble." . . .


"Hamas’ terrorists recorded their barbaric atrocities on body cameras and cell phones to proudly display their crimes and gloat about them. Many of these cameras were recovered from neutralized terrorists. Now the whole world can see Hamas’ unfathomable savagery.

"Hamas’ crimes against humanity are a fact. They are backed up by the evidence collected and compiled here. Do not fall for Hamas’ disinformation and media distortion.

"Extreme viewer discretion is advised. These videos should not be seen by children or by anyone not mentally prepared to witness the graphic reality of Hamas atrocities."

                                             Islamic boot on Israeli head.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Gantz: Israel will launch Rafah offensive if hostages not returned by Ramadan

  The Times of Israel   

Gantz’s comments came hours after the cabinet approved a statement rejecting unilateral steps by countries toward the establishment of a Palestinian state, which the government described as a “massive, unprecedented prize for terror.”

"If hostages held in Gaza are not freed within the next few weeks, Israel will broaden its offensive in southern Gaza and push into the city of Rafah on the Egyptian border, war cabinet member Benny Gantz warned on Sunday.

“The world must know, and Hamas leaders must know — if by Ramadan our hostages are not home, the fighting will continue everywhere, to include the Rafah area,” Gantz said.

"The holy Muslim month of Ramadan begins this year on March 10.

“ 'We will do so in a coordinated manner, facilitating the evacuation of civilians in dialogue with our American and Egyptian partners to minimize civilian casualties,” the former IDF chief of staff and defense minister told the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, as they convened in Jerusalem.

“To those saying the price [of an offensive] is too high, I say this very clearly: Hamas has a choice — they can surrender, release the hostages, and the citizens of Gaza will be able to celebrate the holy holiday of Ramadan,” he said.

"Rafah, which sits on the Gaza-Egypt border, is the last remaining Hamas stronghold in the enclave, but it is also where over a million displaced Palestinians have fled to seek shelter from fighting elsewhere." . . .

Freed hostage Aviva Siegel recounts Hamas's sexual abuse, violence toward captives | The Times of Israel  

  . . ."Siegel said that when “three particularly young girls” took up the guards’ offer of a shower, the condition was that they would bathe together, with an open door and the terrorists watching.

"Siegel said that in another instance, a young female hostage was ordered at gunpoint to accompany a guard, who then pulled her by the hair, tossing her to the floor, as he and three other terrorists beat her with a stick.

“They hit her entire body, and she didn’t say a word,” Siegel said. “When she returned and I asked ‘how did you not scream?’ she said, ‘I didn’t want to give them the satisfaction [of knowing] that they hurt me.'”

These girls will never recover from Hamas abuse and will be scarred for life. Do Democrats in Congress and leftists on campuses know this?  TD

Riots at Rafah Crossing after Gaza teen trying to grab aid is shot dead by Hamas | The Times of Israel