The American Spectator | USA News and Politics . . ."Well, if you think he has been far left in his first term, it will get worse if Biden wins a second. A lot worse.
"For his entire first four years in office, Biden has been looking ahead to his next four years. To win another term, he needs as much broad public support as possible. So, as far left as he is now, we can only assume that this has been Biden at his most balanced. How much Biden needed moderates is shown in 2020 exit polling: Liberals made up just 24 percent of voters, and Biden won 89 percent; moderates made up 38 percent of voters, and Biden won 64 percent.
"Based on Biden’s fall in support, in 2024 he will see his moderate support drop and his liberal support increase. Furthermore, he will have run his last race. What moderate support he managed to retain he will never need again. But he will need the Left to govern.
"The dynamic of diminishing overall support for presidents in their second term and Biden’s increasing dependency on the Left to govern will only intensify Biden’s leftward lurch.
"Gallup terms presidents’ decline in support the “second-term curse.” Looking back to Harry Truman, Gallup polling found that only Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton did not lose support in their second terms. To this general trend, Biden will add his own.
"If Biden wins reelection, he will certainly have seen the Left play an even larger role in that victory than it did in 2020. He will owe it. As his second term goes on, we can expect Biden’s additional attrition in support to come from the center and the Right. That leaves him only the Left.
"So, Biden will start a second term more beholden to, and dependent on, the Left; and as it goes, he will become even more beholden to, and dependent on, the Left for his support. This cycle of debt and dependency with the Left will become self-reinforcing: The more left he goes, the more support he will lose from the center and the Right." . . .
Biden's worth is that of a dependable tool; nothing more. TD
Board AF1, take nap.
— Border Patrol Union - NBPC (@BPUnion) March 2, 2024
Wake up in place called Brownsville.
Read large teleprompter message, "It's all Trump's fault".
Board AF1, ask who people in green uniforms were, told they "strap" illegal aliens, express horror, take nap.
Wake up, call a lid, hit beach, take nap.