Thursday, June 3, 2010

God bless Israeli TV, which is using humor as a line of attack against the flotilla lies

Bookworm Room "Please, please, please, please, spread this video:" We Con the World.

More on this from Hot Air "No one, including Israel’s critics, was seriously fooled into thinking they were on a bona fide humanitarian mission; even Hamas itself couldn’t be bothered to keep up the pretense, which is why they rejected the aid from the flotilla when Israel eventually tried to deliver it. It can’t be a con if everybody’s in on it.
"Below that, via the Right Scoop , you’ll find another palate cleanser in the same vein. You may, if you wish, consider it your allegory of the day."

Is President Obama's Carter moment nearing?

David S. Broder "Nothing is going to help Obama unless and until the engineers come up with a method for shutting down this gusher of pollution. He clearly couldn't prevent it, and he was slow in signaling its severity. But he owns it now, and until it is over, the man who aspired to be the next John Kennedy or maybe Franklin Roosevelt will have to hope he doesn't end up as Jimmy Carter."

Sir Paul McCartney's Churlish White House Comment

American Thinker "But it was all marred by an extraordinary bit of churlishness. Knights -- he is Sir Paul, after all -- are supposed leave churlishness to the churls. McCartney told the assembled toffs in the East Room that it was especially nice to receive the award from Barack Obama. "After the last eight years, it's nice to receive this award from a president who knows what a library is." Ugly comment. Ugly response. The assembled worthies roared their appreciation."....
"Paul McCartney might be surprised to match his college grades against those of George W. Bush -- at Yale University or at the Harvard Business School. What's that you say? McCartney never went to college?"

Obama's 'Chicago Way' Plunders the Private Sector

Michael Barone "So it's natural for a Chicago Way president to assume that higher taxes and a hugely expensive health care regime will not make a perceptible dent in the nation's private sector economy. There will always be plenty to plunder."....
"The problem with Obama's Chicago Way is that Chicago isn't America. The Chicago Way works locally because there is an America out there that ultimately pays for it. But who will pay for an America run the Chicago Way?"

Ayers, Dorhn helped organize 'peace' flotilla

Rick Moran in AT "Former Weather Underground leaders William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, as well as Code Pink founder Jodie Evans, helped organize the Free Gaza Movement, which launched the six-ship flotilla from Turkey to Israel that ended in a violent clash with Israeli Defense Forces, reported."


Neal Boortz "The American Revolution Center discovered:

"More Americans could identify Michael Jackson as the composer of "Beat It" and "Billie Jean" than could identify the Bill of Rights as a body of amendments to the Constitution.

"More than 50 percent of respondents attributed the quote "From each according to his ability to each according to his needs" to either Thomas Paine, George Washington or President Obama. The quote is from Karl Marx, author of "The Communist Manifesto."

"More than a third did not know the century in which the American Revolution took place, and half of respondents believed that either the Civil War, the Emancipation Proclamation or the War of 1812 occurred before the American Revolution."

You remember these people; they're the ones who left rock concerts to cast votes for Obama.


Nealz Nuze "How about that "no to tax cuts for small businesses" crap? Obama has proposed more new taxes, penalties and regulations on small businesses than presidents stretching back to Johnson! These "tax cuts" he's talking about? Capital gains tax cuts. Isn't that nice? There's only one problem. Small businesses don't pay capital gains taxes. He knows, however, that most Americans don't know that ... so he takes advantage of voter ignorance. One great asset for any politicians is to know what it is his constituents don't know."

Obama hopes oil spill boosts support for climate bill

Washington Post "President Obama tried Wednesday to channel public outrage about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill into support for a climate-change bill, seeking to redefine an issue that threatens to tarnish his presidency."

Did You Plug The Hole With A Blue Dress Yet, Daddy?

Ann Coulter "Indeed, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll released on Tuesday, only 52 percent of Hispanics oppose the law, while 37 percent support it. In other words, more Hispanics support the Arizona law (37 percent) than voted for John McCain (31 percent) -– which is the strongest argument for amnesty I've heard in my entire life."....
"...So yeah, I know it sounds fishy, but if Bill Clinton says this is how it happened, that's good enough for me. Why, Clinton hasn't lied under oath in front of a federal grand jury for more than a decade. Incidentally, why do so many Bill Clinton stories end with the words "nothing improper happened"? As I recall, the definition of "proper" gets pretty elastic when you're talking about Bill Clinton."

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A world without America

Bookworm Room "I first ran this YouTube video three years ago, when Barack Obama, our nation’s first anti-American president, was still a theory, not a fact. It bears watching now, as we witness Obama’s efforts to bring about a world without America:"...

The Israeli flotilla raid; point/ counterpoint

Flotilla Incident — Constructive Criticism   Max Boot  "Three more ships are being readied for another Gaza flotilla. If and when they do sail, I trust that the Israeli government will learn from experience and not walk into another trap set by its enemies"
RE: Constructive Criticism John Podhoretz  "The defense of Israel these past few days on CONTENTIONS isn’t intended to quell discussion of what might have gone wrong; rather, it is, as it always is, to refute the constant insistence that any time Israel acts in its own defense it is engaged in immoral action rather than in the vital task of preserving the security of its people."

'Humanitarion peace acivists' riot in airport before deportation

Shawarma Mayor "Thirteen female European activists, arrested for their participation in the flotilla to Gaza, attacked Immigration Authority officers escorting them to the airport for their deportation, the Interior Ministry reported Wednesday."....
"Israelis today feel now more than ever isolated and betrayed. The fact that 65% of American public support Israel is not heard nor felt (or reported). Israelis feel under a siege of global hate. MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!"

The Chicago Tribune gets it right: "The more we learn about this incident, though, the more it looks like a setup designed to provoke or embarrass Israel."