Fox News "Van Jones, the Obama administration's controversial former "green jobs czar," has found a new calling: helping to push for a new, global architecture of environmental law that would give Mother Nature the same rights status as humans." Photo: Van Jones
(Update) Mother Earth says to treat all of her creatures equally "Sadly, a lowly frog naturally born and raised in the swamps of Florida can not presently become the President of the United States. True, frogs are hatched rather than “born,” but that is not their fault and is of no consequence. The unfairness of this discrimination on account of mere color — green — should be apparent to all. Since frogs must soon be recognized as having full human rights, why not as naturally born, or hatched, citizens of the United States, endowed by Mother Nature with all of the requisite Constitutional qualifications for the presidency?"United Nations to Debate Human Rights for ‘Mother Earth’ (they’ll do anything to get out of paying those parking tickets) "Keep reminding yourself as you read the story that we pump a good deal of money into supporting this cuckoos nest. Sometimes though I think it’s worth it in order to keep them isolated in pockets of New York, Vienna and Geneva instead of being entirely free-range socialist nut cases, and this might be one of those days:" Doug Powers via Michelle Malkin
GAIA WORSHIP - THE NEW PAGAN RELIGION "Gaia is a revival of Paganism that rejects Christianity, considers Christianity its biggest enemy, and views the Christian faith as its only obstacle to a global religion centered on Gaia worship and the uniting of all life forms around the goddess of "Mother Earth". ...
" Gaia worship is at the very heart of today's environmental policy. The Endangered Species Act, The United Nation's Biodiversity Treaty and the Presidents Council on Sustainable Development are all offspring of the Gaia hypothesis of saving "Mother Earth". " |