Legal Insurrection Jamie Weinstein at The Daily Caller (via HotAir) writes that Newt’s legacy will be that his criticisms of Romney will be featured in Obama ads:
...."By going massively negative on everyone else and using his campaign wealth to smother others. His carpet bombing of Newt in Iowa and Florida is the only thing that kept Romney from the abyss. I still see non-stop anti-Santorum ads on TV.
"Romney has embittered a large segment of the people he will need to rally around him. Profound and historic dislike of Obama is the only thing that will prevent a third party movement or a massive stay-at-home movement.
"And it hasn’t stopped. Romney supporters have shown themselves to be sore winners, and there’s nothing worse than sore winners heading into a general election.
"No, the problem Romney faces is that his campaign and his supporters have run such a foul campaign.
"Think of all the negative things said against other candidates by Romney and his supporters. Did they give a damn how their words would be played back against Newt or Santorum if either of them were the nominee?"
"Romney has embittered a large segment of the people he will need to rally around him. Profound and historic dislike of Obama is the only thing that will prevent a third party movement or a massive stay-at-home movement.
"And it hasn’t stopped. Romney supporters have shown themselves to be sore winners, and there’s nothing worse than sore winners heading into a general election.