Mychal Massie "It is not about race – and shame on Sharpton for attempting to make it so. How dare he use race as a ploy to prevent Holder from cooperating with Congress and any other law enforcement agency that deems it necessary to investigate his role in the commission of a crime. The idea that Holder is somehow above the law or that he is protected from having to comply with the investigation in totality flies in the face of our system of jurisprudence.
"President Nixon and all of his senior staff had to comply with the investigation into Watergate; all those involved in the savings and loan scandal known as the Keating Five had to comply – to mention but two incidents. But Sharpton would have us believe that because Holder is black and the attorney general he is somehow above this. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was held in contempt of Congress and was forced to comply with the congressional investigation into the firing of Justice Department attorneys."