Big Hollywood "You'd expect the new film "2016: Obama's America" to score well in red state movie theaters. The movie admonishes President Barack Obama for following the legislative philosophies of his anti-colonial father.
"Did you know "2016" is also packing 'em in in places like the Big Apple, one of the more liberal cities in the nation?"
"Did you know "2016" is also packing 'em in in places like the Big Apple, one of the more liberal cities in the nation?"
Rush Limbaugh; D'Souza Film Success Shocks Hollywood "Obama's view that the country has become great by virtue of pillage, so have the achieved in this country become successful by stealing from fellow citizens or by cheating them in business, or by screwing them, or just literally taking from them, or not being fair in wages or what have you. And so it's his job to even it out. Sowell writes about people watching this, and you can see that people who are exposed to this explanation for the first time are held at rapt attention. The movie is not preachy. It's not table-pounding. This is the movie where Dinesh went over to Kenya, met with Obama's brother, who lives in a hut."