Ann Coulter "Republicans have been forced into a Hobson’s choice of either letting the Bush tax cuts expire for everyone or agreeing to a tax hike on the top 2 percent of income earners (not to be confused with “the rich,” who have already made, inherited or married their money).
"If Republicans object to the Democrats’ hitting job creators with a tax hike, three things will happen: Taxes will go up for everyone; Republicans will be seen as the “party of the rich”; and the inevitable economic collapse will be blamed on Republicans."
...."Hollywood movies used to be subject to an excise tax, but, for no reason whatsoever, rich Hollywood liberals have been relieved of excise taxes on their products since the 1950s.
"Reynolds suggests that, for “extra fun,” Republicans “could show pictures of David Geffen’s yacht and John Travolta’s personal Boeing 707 on the Senate floor.”
"Republicans can’t block the Democrats from raising taxes on “the rich” without themselves being responsible for raising taxes on the middle class. But they can at least force liberal fat cats to start paying their fair share."
"If Republicans object to the Democrats’ hitting job creators with a tax hike, three things will happen: Taxes will go up for everyone; Republicans will be seen as the “party of the rich”; and the inevitable economic collapse will be blamed on Republicans."
...."Hollywood movies used to be subject to an excise tax, but, for no reason whatsoever, rich Hollywood liberals have been relieved of excise taxes on their products since the 1950s.
"Reynolds suggests that, for “extra fun,” Republicans “could show pictures of David Geffen’s yacht and John Travolta’s personal Boeing 707 on the Senate floor.”
"Republicans can’t block the Democrats from raising taxes on “the rich” without themselves being responsible for raising taxes on the middle class. But they can at least force liberal fat cats to start paying their fair share."