Typical 60mm mortar and round via afghanistansquid
Pentagon bans 60 mm mortar round after deaths"The Marine Corps said early Tuesday that seven Marines were killed. But John Stroud, national junior vice commander in chief for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, began a memorial event in Hawthorne on Tuesday night by saying "one of the critical has passed," bringing the death toll to eight.
Members of the women's Auxiliary of VFW 231 then laid a wreath and eight individual floral arrangements at a park where a flag flew at half-staff within sight of the Hawthorne depot's boundary." Slide show at this link.
Video of Marines firing a 60mm mortar :
COMBAT FOOTAGE Marines in firefight beat Taliban ambush with 60mm Mortar Fire About four minutes in the mortar crew sets up. If you don't care for the salty language, turn the sound down. It was a bit slow playing back with several pauses.