Fox News "Evangelical Christian airmen at Lackland Air Force Base are facing severe threats and retribution for their religious beliefs and some personnel have been ordered to publicly express their position on gay marriage.
“ 'There is an atmosphere of intimidation at Lackland Air Force Base,” said Steve Branson, the pastor of Village Parkway Baptist Church in San Antonio. “Gay commanders and officers are pushing their agenda on the airmen. There is a culture of fear in the military and it’s gone to a new level with the issue of homosexuality.”
"Branson tells me at least 80 airmen attended a private meeting at the church where he heard them voice their concerns about religious hostilities at the Air Force base. It was a standing-room only crowd."....
"One member of the military was written up for having his Bible out – while a Muslim was allowed to publicly display a prayer rug.
"A colonel told the pastor that officers are being ordered to publicly affirm and promote homosexuality."....
Forum for debate: Lackland AFB causing problems for Christians?
“ 'There is an atmosphere of intimidation at Lackland Air Force Base,” said Steve Branson, the pastor of Village Parkway Baptist Church in San Antonio. “Gay commanders and officers are pushing their agenda on the airmen. There is a culture of fear in the military and it’s gone to a new level with the issue of homosexuality.”
"Branson tells me at least 80 airmen attended a private meeting at the church where he heard them voice their concerns about religious hostilities at the Air Force base. It was a standing-room only crowd."....
"One member of the military was written up for having his Bible out – while a Muslim was allowed to publicly display a prayer rug.
"A colonel told the pastor that officers are being ordered to publicly affirm and promote homosexuality."....
Forum for debate: Lackland AFB causing problems for Christians?
Christians aren't being denied any rights, homosexuals are.Counterpoint:
The whole Christians crying persecution is disturbing. There is NO place in the world it is easier to be a Christian than the US. By crying persecution, you insult the Christians in other parts of the world who are facing persecution (Christians in Pakistan, China, Egypt, etc.).
...Attempting to force their views on others. It isn't enough to just skip going to services, they don't want anyone else to be able to go. It isn't enough to skip a concert/event that may have a religious performer/speaker, they want to ban it for everyone else. It isn't enough to avoid an aisle in the book section of the PX that contains religious publications, they want them banned from the PX.