American Glob linked to the following post with this introduction:
"Saturday Night Live acts like Romney won in 2012, liberals continue to falsely attribute a Tina Fey quote to Sarah Palin, Funny or Die has become an arm of the Obama administration and the most liberal late night host in America is taking over for David Letterman. It wasn’t always this way.
"In fact, it has only been this way since Obama became president."
Court jester journalists "Comedy gave us a respite from politization. If you were powerful, you were eventually a target. Rich, famous, scandalous, popular, unpopular – no matter. Our comedians and comedy shows would always speak truth to power and serve as the great societal equalizer.
No longer. Something deeply disturbing is happening in comedy. Not just here or there, but broadly. Comedians and those in comedy writing are choosing political sides. By force or by choice – they’re drawing political battle lines instead of writing punch lines."
How important is Steven Colbert to the left? I’ll put it to you this way. Bill Clinton follows exactly ten people/organizations in the world on Twitter. One of them is Steven Colbert.
"Comedian Patton Oswald tweeted his support of a column penned by conservative author and radio host Mark Steyn. Oswald’s liberal friends and fans have been blasting him on Twitter for daring to show support for anything Steyn has to say.
"Steyn’s column title, ironically?"
“The Slow Death of Free Speech.”
And never forget this guy from 2008: Russell Brand, MTV VMA Host, Begs America To Elect Obama, Rips Bush In Monologue ..."Again and again, Brand _ a confessed former sex addict _ poked fun at young sex and abstinence. Speaking of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter's boyfriend and would-be father, Levi Johnston, Brand sympathized with him: "That is the safe sex message of all time. Use a condom or become a Republican!"