NRO:Let’s leave the Middle Ages out of discussions of modern Islam.
. . . "Protestants and Catholics follow different versions of Christianity, but we would strongly reject a president who tried to tell us which was right. By the same token, the president has even less authority to discern true from distorted Islam. ISIS is barbaric, but there is no denying that its adherents believe they are true followers of Islam. And they can point to medieval Muslim rulers who were just as bloody."
Ralph Peters: Jihadis 14, Crusaders 2; The president perverts history (again). . . . "The president knows as little about history as he does about warfare, and even less about religion. But he’s not alone. With the Left’s successful destruction of history instruction in our schools and universities, even “well-educated” creatures of Washington accept the Arab fantasy that the cultural incompetence, practical indolence, and spiritual decay of the entire Middle East stems from Richard Coeur de Lion’s twelfth-century swordplay.
Chip Bok: Man on a high horse . . . "Our philosopher king’s prayer breakfast lecture on Thursday could have been mistaken for talking points straight out of the Islamic State. He called on Christians to get off their high horse about man burning ISIS jihadis. He then reminded them that Crusaders did bad things in the name of Christ. A thousand years ago." . . .
. . . "Protestants and Catholics follow different versions of Christianity, but we would strongly reject a president who tried to tell us which was right. By the same token, the president has even less authority to discern true from distorted Islam. ISIS is barbaric, but there is no denying that its adherents believe they are true followers of Islam. And they can point to medieval Muslim rulers who were just as bloody."
"Stop it! All of you! And try reading a book or two on the subject. Meanwhile, here’s a starter course in the vast tragedy jihad has posed for every civilization it’s touched for the past 14 centuries — while the Crusades mythologized by Islam’s apologists were a two-century blip whose only practical legacies are a few ruined castles." . . .
Chip Bok: Man on a high horse . . . "Our philosopher king’s prayer breakfast lecture on Thursday could have been mistaken for talking points straight out of the Islamic State. He called on Christians to get off their high horse about man burning ISIS jihadis. He then reminded them that Crusaders did bad things in the name of Christ. A thousand years ago." . . .
Dr. Ben Carson Reacts to Obama’s Prayer Breakfast Speech: “Perhaps We’re Being Betrayed” . . . "In response to how he reacted to the president’s remarks as a Christian, Carson said, “obviously, it makes me feel that perhaps we’re being betrayed. perhaps we don’t have a leader who feels the same about things as most of us do, but the good thing is, we have a system in place, that has allowed us to take control."