Jennifer Rubin "President Obama’s biggest domestic “accomplishment,” Obamacare, and his biggest foreign policy objective, extracting the United States from the Middle East and redesigning our alliances (Iran in, Israel out), are now Exhibits A and B in the argument for jettisoning the Democrats from the White House. At the very least these issues, combined with a lackluster economy, suggest Hillary Clinton will have trouble running for a “third Obama term.' ”
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"And where is Clinton’s plan for untangling the mess she and her former boss are leaving behind? Again, Republicans should be focused on the debacle the Obama-Clinton-Kerry brain trust is leaving behind. Instead, too many Republican presidential candidates play to the know-nothing crowd and argue we have no interest in the Syrian “civil war.”
"Republicans should extract themselves from internal squabbles over debate rules and look around. The country and the international scene are fraught with problems, the direct result of the Democrats’ policy choices. Republicans, isn’t [it] time to leave the debate bickering and take up the policy cudgel?"