Julie Pace, AP . . . "Of course, Obama's legacy will be determined far more by the outcome of the presidential campaign than his 2016 legislative agenda. Since many of his most prominent moves have been the result of executive actions, a Republican president could largely wipe them away, while a Democrat is more likely to keep them in place and perhaps even expand on them.
"White House aides say the president is eager to campaign for the party's nominee, as well as Democrats in other races. He chafed at being kept on the sidelines in the 2014 midterms, and advisers used Democrats' sweeping losses in that campaign as an I-told-you-so moment for party officials.
"This time, Obama isn't waiting for an invitation from the Democratic nominee to make his campaign plans.
" 'I will have a Democratic successor, and I will campaign very hard to make that happen," he said."