"The longer Kasich stays in the race, the greater likelihood of a Trump nomination."
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"Nor does Kasich split the anti-Trump vote passively. His campaign and associated Super PACs assist the real estate developer by spending time and money criticizing Cruz. Indeed it’s become hard to distinguish Trump attacks from Kasich attacks. One Kasich-aligned Super PAC called Cruz “Lyin’ Ted” — a Trump coinage. Another hit Cruz for his jab at “New York values.” Next they’ll be saying nasty things about Heidi." . . .
John Kasich Runs into the PC Police "Last Friday, John Kasich stepped on a politically correct land mine when he advised a female college student to reduce the threat of sexual assault by avoiding parties “where there’s a lot of alcohol.”
"At a town-hall meeting in Watertown, N.Y., a first-year student at a local college asked, “What are you going to do in office as president to help me feel safer and more secure regarding sexual violence, harassment, and rape?” Kasich didn’t reply that her concerns might be best handled at a level of government short of the Oval Office. Instead, he detailed how as governor he had helped make Ohio campuses safer by supporting confidential reporting of crimes and programs to support victims. But then he added: “I’ll also give you one bit of advice: Don’t go to parties where there’s a lot of alcohol, okay? Don’t do that.” The audience applauded. But . . ."