"In a retrospective mood, staffers said that, as Obama told me, Clinton would have been an “excellent” President, but they also voiced some dismay with her campaign: dismay that she had seemed to stump so listlessly, if at all, in the Rust Belt; dismay that the Clinton family’s undeniable taste for money could not be erased by good works; dismay that she was such a middling retail politician."Hot Air
"President Barack Obama continues to publicly ponder the after-math of the presidential election that handed the keys to the White House to Donald Trump – a man he claimed was unworthy of the honor of holding the office of president.
"In each revealing interview, the outgoing president drifts a little further away from the politically disciplined and magnanimous reflection he first presented in the intervening days after the historic election.
"In his latest analysis found in the next issue of The New Yorker, Obama appears to have let a bit more of his true feelings about Hillary Clinton and her campaign show than he has up to this point." . . .
But Hillary’s failure in 2016 has the opposite effect for Obama as it did in ’08. This time around, the president campaigned on her behalf and laid his own legacy on the line by stumping with lines like, “All the progress that we’ve made these last eight years,” he said, “goes out the window if we don’t win this election!”The post-election niceties are starting to disappear in the rear-view mirror and now, since he set the narrative that Trump’s victory would undo his entire presidency, Obama and his surrogates will start sharpening their criticism of Clinton and her failure.