"And, this is receiving vast public subsidies, despite assurances that it would be privately funded. Barack and Michelle Obama have been playing a major role in its design, in a fashion reminiscent of a dictator putting up monuments to himself in some third world country. As the revised design stands, it will look like a cenotaph bizarrely erected before the death and burial of its principal." . . .
Thomas Lifson: American Thinker cited in lawsuit against Obama Presidential Center
The complaint cites an "institutional bait and switch" because the original plan was for a federal entity to take possession of the land and build an Obama Presidential Library, which would be publicly owned and controlled. That was the bait used to obtain priceless open park land that would be taken away from the citizens of Chicago. The switch came when the presidential library plan was sidelined, and in its place was instituted a "presidential center" that would be under the control of a private foundation, with Barack Obama himself in a position to shape the center's planning, mission, and operations toward whatever ends he desires.