RUSH: We rarely on this program have guests, but we do make exceptions. Today is such an exception. We are happy to welcome back Conrad Black, who is a noted columnist, author, broadcast and media baron now residing in Canada and author of a new book, a paperback version update of a book he published two years ago, it’s called A President Like No Other: Donald J. Trump and the Restoring of America.
Rush Limbaugh and Conrad Black on the press . . . Lord "I think they feel that he is threatening their influence in the political life of the country and they don’t like it. Now, add to that most of them tend to be leftish and snobbish. And leftists and snobs don’t much care for Donald Trump because he is not a man of the left, although he’s certainly not a reactionary, either. He’s a man of the people, but not the left. And they are of course not the same thing. And he is informal and straight talking and politically incorrect. And that tends to incite stupefying levels of snobbery.
"And he is the victim of that, but he’s also the beneficiary of that because as all the polls indicate, the media are in a uniquely low repute in the country. And incidentally, you haven’t raised this, but I will if (unintelligible), I think that that whole state of affairs is worrisome because we have to have a free press to have a functioning democracy, and we can’t have any one government or anyone else tampering with it. But we have a very inferior press, not only the United States, but it’s a problem throughout the advanced western countries.
"And when the public disdains the press, I believe that is eventually dangerous situation. We have to have a free press that is respected. But it can only be respected if it earns that respect. And as you said a minute ago, the conduct of the media at this election campaign has been absolutely scandalous. They are full of malice, and they are liars. And one hesitates to use such inflammatory phrases, but I cannot take issue with the president when he said they are enemies of the people. To the extent that they deliberately misinform the public, that’s what they are, enemies." . . .