RedState "The incoming. It’s coming fast and furious for (at) Joe Biden.
"So much so that as I begin this article, the suddenly embattled president is about the speak to the nation, having cut short his Camp David “vacation” solely because his administration is at least “smart” enough to finally recognize they better do their damnedest to attempt to stop the bleeding — ASAP.
"They — he — will not succeed.
"It’s not just conservatives who continue to skewer the ever-loving crap out of the hapless Biden for his disastrous decision to withdraw American forces from Afghanistan — not because he withdrew them, but because of how he did it.
"When even CNN’s Jake Tapper decides to “journalism” for a minute and takes a top Biden official — equally-pathetic Secretary of State Antony Blinken — to task over “Biden’s Saigon”?
"The editorial boards of America’s major newspapers got into the act on Monday, blistering Biden in a scathing editorial after scathing editorial, none more so than the editors of The Wall Street Journal.
"Before we continue, this:
I am listening to Biden’s pathetic address to the nation, as I write. My God. He honestly doesn’t get it. Setting aside the disgust that he just once again blamed “my predecessor,” he continues to ignore the very simple difference between leaving Afghanistan and how we leave Afghanistan. He just ended his pathetic comments — in which he said zero about the men, women, and children, principally, young girls, of Afghanistan. He was defensive. And he sucked.
"Bigly, sucked.