Scott Pinsker . . ."If money’s your metric, then Howard Stern is the most successful radio personality in American media history. If you consider radio a creative art, then he’s the world’s wealthiest artist. He’s been compensated more money than anyone else in his medium — and by a VERY wide margin." . . .
. . ."And now?
"Nobody under 40 listens to Stern. Nobody under 30 knows could even identify him in a lineup. But whereas older Americans — Gen X-ers and up — still remember Stern as a pioneering shock jock, younger Americans don’t remember him at all.
"It’s like he never existed.
If PJ Media’s target audience were Gen Z-ers, there’s no way I could write this article. Nobody would care enough to click on it.
"But there’s a fascinating story lurking beneath the surface: By becoming the first A-Lister to trade his mainstream visibility for a big, fat payday, Stern became a case study on celebrity paywalls.
"Rush Limbaugh never did it, although he certainly had ample opportunities: His fans were crazy-loyal, too. But Limbaugh rejected satellite offers because he still wanted to reach the largest audience possible. He already had enough money for dozens of lifetimes; what he truly cared about was the growth of his show and the future of our country. El Rushbo understood that his social impact would’ve been dramatically diminished if he retreated behind a paywall. Up until Limbaugh’s final days, it was always important to him for his audience numbers to be strong." . . .
Then this didn't help Stern:
'NO EVIDENCE': Biden mocked for stretching the truth on shock jock Howard Stern's show
Howard Stern Praises Joe Biden in Embarrassing Interview
Howard Stern TONGUE BATHES Biden In Interview The real content begins after two minutes of comment.