Thursday, October 10, 2024

Catherine Herridge Spills the Tea on CBS Over Kamala Interview Editing Scandal

 Nick Arama 

 Remember Kamala’s word salad answer about Israel on 60 Minutes? It’s gone.

"Kamala Harris was hoping to move the needle with her media tour. 

"She may have moved the needle alright, but in the wrong direction for her. She seems to be completely imploding along with her knuckle-headed running mate, Tim Walz. Interviews with friendly outlets are supposed to help prop you up. But her interview with "The View" just decimated her and her interview with "60 Minutes" has evolved into a full-blown scandal. 

"Bill Whitaker actually did a good job of asking some probing questions, and Kamala gave some ridiculous answers, including one incredible word salad about Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They released a clip on it early, but then when they did the whole interview on Monday, the answer had changed and been edited. 

 "Remember Kamala’s word salad answer about Israel on 60 Minutes? It’s gone.

"The Harris campaign is trying to run away from the scandal. "We do not control CBS's production decisions and refer questions to CBS," a Harris campaign aide told Fox. Uh-huh. Did they ask to have any parts aired or not aired? Notice their response simply says they don't "control" the production decisions. 

"CBS isn't talking, so that's not looking good for them. 

"The Trump campaign is demanding the release of the full transcript, understandably.". . .

The original answer aired by CBS added to the criticism that Harris is an empty pantsuit only capable of trying to sound like she knows what she’s talking about through a word salad of dumb.

DeSantis: Harris Has Never Been Interested In Any Of The Storms We've Had In Florida For Her Entire Time As Vice President (Video)


Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) ripped Vice President Kamala Harris for politicizing the Hurricane Helene relief effort in an interview on Wednesday.

Biden can't say about Kamala, but he appreciates working with Gov. DeSantis

Robert Gates Thinks Joe Biden Hasn't Stopped Being Wrong for 40 Years

 The Atlantic; ( January 7, 2014

"I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” former Defense Secretary Robert Gates says of Vice President Joe Biden in his new book coming out later this month. Gates' assessment of Biden's boss is only slightly better, depicting an Obama administration with very murky lines of communication on military issues.

"Gates, as The New York Times notes in its review of Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War, served under every president since Nixon, save Bill Clinton. When President Obama took office in 2009, he (somewhat controversially) decided that Gates would stay as defense secretary, a position to which he was appointed by George W. Bush in 2006. (At that confirmation hearing, Gates reportedly thought to himself, "What the hell am I doing here? I have walked right into the middle of a category-five shitstorm.")

"According to the Times review and one in The Washington Post, Gates wasn't particularly happy with either president. "In Duty," Bob Woodward writes for the Post, "Gates describes his outwardly calm demeanor as a facade. Underneath, he writes, he was frequently 'seething' and 'running out of patience on multiple fronts.'"

"Gates apparently raises direct questions about Obama's handling of the war he inherited. The former secretary was concerned, Woodward writes, at both the Obama administration's tight grip on military policy as well as its insecurity about what it should do. The Times indicates that Gates faulted the Bush administration for its handling of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (before Gates arrived) and was consistently frustrated by his exchanges with Obama's advisors, especially Biden." . . .

And in 2019: Gates Stands By Statement That Biden Has Been Wrong On Nearly Every Major Foreign Policy Question | Video | RealClearPolitics

Hezbollah begging for mercy proves Israel is right to fight —and shrug off Biden’s terrible advice

NY Post Editorial Board   

If Qassem is suing for peace, it’s at least in part because he knows he’s next. As do all other Hezbollah honchos.  

"Lebanese terror outfit Hezbollah has changed its tune: After spending weeks trumpeting an apocalyptic end for Israel, the cadre of bloodthirsty cowards is begging the Jewish state to let up. 

"“We support the political efforts led by [Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih] Berri under the banner of achieving a cease-fire,” whined Hezbollah deputy leader Naim Qassem — for the first time not conditioning a truce on an end to the war in Gaza. 

"Turns out bravely attacking your enemies with uncanny precision and skill, rather than begging them for peace, [as with Obama, Biden and most Democrats] is effective as a military strategy.

"Who knew?

"Israel’s amazing actions in the past month explain why Qassem is shaking in his boots." . . .

. . . The second is that Iran can be cowed and constrained. Not through giving in to the regime’s demands, but by standing firm against them. 

"Don’t hold your breath waiting for Joe, Kamala and their Iran-worshiping inner circle to understand, though."

IE: Oranges,Lemons Grapefruits,avocados etc..actually "Jaffa" Oranges and "Ugly" Grapefruit/orange, some of the best. The Israelis said use these greenhouses as you wish..but instead they where destroyed by Hamas..and the people accepted it..that is what the world is dealing with..makes no sense


 Ann Coulter 

"The cause-and-effect logic of the cultures currently colonizing America is remarkably similar to Walz’s reasoning. It’s probably not a coincidence that he’s a major proponent of importing gigantic numbers of Somalis, Ethiopians and Indians to Minnesota. If you think Minnesota schools are prosperous now, just wait." . . .

"Watching the vice-presidential debate last week, I realized that Gov. Tim Walz has a primitive’s understanding of cause-and-effect. It pairs nicely with his primitive’s understanding of representative democracy, economics, science, national security, deductive reasoning and the Electoral College.
"As our country becomes more DEI-oriented (the heart and soul of the Democratic Party), we can expect to see a lot more problems with causal reasoning — not to be confused with casual reasoning, which seems to be Kamala Harris’ method of thinking. The “diverse” cultures the Democratic Party is hauling in are notoriously poor at grasping causality.
"Thus, for example, in Africa, AIDS-infected men firmly believe that sex with a virgin cures AIDS, because witch doctors told them so. (Duh.) Like communism and recycling, the virgin rape plan has never actually worked. But despite that, and despite massive international education campaigns, the locals persist in seeking this “cure” even today, raping toddlers, their own daughters and babies in diapers — as documented in innumerable official reports.
"Our completely harmless trading partners, the Chinese — also big “traditional medicine” devotees — believe that ingesting tiger penis is a cure for impotence. (The good news is, if you’re a man in Africa suffering from both AIDS and erectile dysfunction, have we gotta deal for you!)
"The fanatical hunt for tiger penis to serve the Chinese market has put tigers on the endangered species list and already driven 3 of 8 tiger subspecies to extinction. Tiger poachers in India have slaughtered so many tigers that the population has cratered from 100,000 in the early 20th century to about 3,300 today. In China itself, the tiger population totals around 50. Not 50,000. Fifty.
"At this point, conservationists think the only thing that might save the tiger from total extinction is the introduction of Viagra, because, unlike tiger penis soup, it actually works. (Which is awesome because if there’s one hellish tomorrow even I can’t imagine, it’s a world in which the population of China is declining even a teeny, tiny bit due to a national E.D. epidemic.)
"Just last week, it was reported that administrators of a school in India sacrificed (murdered) an 11-year-old boy to make the school “prosperous,” in accordance with a Hindu Tantric ritual. To be fair, the results aren’t in yet. I think they’re waiting until the end of the school year to publish a final fiscal report. Fingers crossed!" . . .

College faculty prefer Kamalla 9 out of ten times

 Deranged College Professor Says Any Man Who Doesn't Vote For Kamala Should Be Lined Up and Shot  That all appears to be Biden's goal with his speeches in Philadelphia, the SOTU, and the DNC speech, wouldn't you say? TD

This is the man Biden and the liberal press want to eliminate:  Trump Gives Fired Air Force Man a Job

Previously Unchallenged, Harris Had to Answer to 60 Minutes; Across America, eyeballs rolled.

 Debra J. Saunders  

When Whitaker asked Harris why she completely flipped her positions on the border, fracking, and Medicare for All, Harris responded that she has spent the past four years going across the country and talking to people from various backgrounds, so she came to value compromise. Short, truer version: “We’re not just in California anymore.” 

" Asking Kamala Harris about the historic surge at the southern border during most of President Joe Biden’s tenure, 60 Minutes anchor Bill Whitaker wondered if it was “a mistake to loosen the immigration policies as you did.”

"Harris has this way of talking when she knows she can’t say what she really thinks. So when Whitaker remarked that border arrivals quadrupled during the first three years of the Biden–Harris administration, she responded, “Solutions are at hand. From day one literally we have been offering solutions.”

"And: “The policies that we have been proposing are about fixing a problem, not promoting a problem.” Short word salads with no nutritional value.

"If you were hoping for the vice president to admit that Biden’s border policies were a colossal blunder during the CBS interview, which was televised Monday night, well, your best move would have been to change the channel.

"When Harris tried to blame Republicans for failing to pass a big immigration package, Whitaker pointed out that Biden invited a “historic flood” of migrants when he took office.

"For once, a major journalist pushed back on Harris’ lame finger-pointing. I exhaled.

"60 Minutes made a big deal about Trump turning down its interview request. Be it noted, Harris turned down an invitation to a Fox News sit-down. But I guess that’s different.

"My one big beef: There is no question Harris knew about Biden’s declining cognitive abilities before he halted his reelection campaign. It becomes ever more important that Harris is asked about this because Biden is supposed to occupy the Oval Office until Jan. 20.

"At one point, Harris reminded Whitaker: “This is an election for president of the United States.” Then she added, “No one should be able to take for granted that they can just declare themselves a candidate and automatically receive support.”

"It was an odd statement coming from a Democrat who was handed the top of her party’s ticket without a single ballot cast." . . .

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Don Lemon Suggests That Joseph Was A ‘Gay Man’ Who Helped the Virgin Mary

Gloriel Howard;RTM

” 'In a 2012 segment on atheism, Lemon opened by saying, “God: Does he exist? More and more young people doubt he does — or she,” per The Federalist."

"Former CNN host Don Lemon is facing major backlash with Christians after claiming that the Virgin Mary’s husband, Joseph, was just a gay man who helped her reach Bethlehem so she would not face persecution for being unmarried and pregnant.
"He made the outlandish comment on his recent appearance on the “Michael Steele Podcast.”
"Lemon, who claims to have a relationship with God, told host Michael Steel that the Biblical Nativity Story was just a gay man’s journey to save the Virgin Mary and himself from being persecuted. 
" 'I said, well, maybe Joseph was this sort of gay guy who said…” said Lemon, not being able to finish his sentence due to finding it hilarious.
"Steele, laughing hysterically, jumped in and told viewers to pick themselves “off the floor” after hearing the blashphemous remark.
“…right, I [speaking as Joseph] I don’t want her to die or be stoned to death, or whatever because she got pregnant and she’s not married…and then I am not married, or whatever,” Lemon continued, per Breitbart. “So, okay, this is kind of perfect.”
" 'Because he was an older gentleman, unmarried gentleman,” Steele replied." . . .

Pro-Palestinian group desires to rub salt into wound with Oct. 7 protest

  Michael Berenhaus  

Dr. Michael Berenhaus is a freelance activist who works to combat anti-Israel bias in the media.  He has been widely published in news sources such as The Economist, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. 

When Hamas visits you.
"In “Pro-Palestinian group urges judge to allow Oct. 7 vigil at University of Maryland” (09/30/24), a pro-Palestinian group has chosen October 7 as the date for a “vigil to mourn people killed in Gaza during the ongoing war.”  October 7 was the date when the Hamas terrorist group invaded Israel; slaughtered over 1,200 Israelis; and kidnapped over 230 individuals, including Israelis and other foreign nationals.  

"That is like pro-al-Qaeda protesters choosing Sep. 11 to mourn people killed in Afghanistan.  It’s horrid, disgusting, and insultingly insensitive.

"But it does show the world the humanity of the Palestinian movement, more specifically the lack thereof.  Who would support this movement or even want to be associated with it?" . . .

Evil Exists, Don’t Look Away: Visiting the Hell of October 7th | Caroline Glick In-Focus   "Join JNS senior contributing editor Caroline Glick for this special Oct. 7 episode of In-Focus from one of the communities most affected by the Hamas massacre, Kfar Aza. Glick reflects and discusses some of the lessons Israel, the Jewish people, and the entire free world must learn from that horrific day and this once-flourishing town."

‘Evil so profound’: Andrew Bolt on distressing October 7 footage  Sky News host Andrew Bolt discusses the October 7 terror attacks by Hamas and how the Albanese government has failed to “back” Israel in its defence against terror.
“You would think what happened to Israel then … that would have united us in outrage, would have opened everyone’s eyes to the enemies Israel faces, that we increasingly face too,” Mr Bolt said. “Instead, we have seen an explosion of Jew hatred here that shames this country.”

FEMA sets up a ‘rumor response’ webpage to set the record straight after all the scrutiny of its response to Helene

"For example, if you have insurance that covers your temporary housing costs, but you ask FEMA to advance you some money to help you pay for those costs while your insurance is delayed, you will need to pay that money back to FEMA after you receive your insurance settlement."  From the FEMA webpage:

Olivia Murray  "When enough of the public harbors such deep distrust for our federal government that our federal agencies feel compelled to establish official “rumor response” websites to try to convince the people that they’re not corrupt and incompetent, I’d say it’s game over, and there’s no road to redemption. You’ve blown it. Obliterated everything. Nuked your last shred of credibility.

"In light of mounting accusations against FEMA as bumbling the response to Hurricane Helene beyond all comprehension, the disaster relief agency took it upon itself to create a fact-checking website, to battle the “rumor” mill—despite what those conspiracy theorist MAGA haters are saying, FEMA takes its mission seriously, and is adeptly handling the emergency response!

"Is this like the time the CIA investigated itself and found no evidence it was involved in the drug-trafficking trade?

Because it really seems like it.

“ 'FEMA finds no link between itself and the failure of the federal government to provide disaster relief to American communities decimated by Hurricane Helene” or “FEMA concludes that it’s doing a great job and not culpable for the pathetic emergency response” would be apropos.

"I mean, the agency established an online portal for impacted Americans to quickly apply for disaster assistance (in a community that doesn’t have power), it handed out preloaded debit cards (in a place where all the ATMs and stores have been washed away by the flood waters), and it dropped off electrical chainsaws so people could start to clear downed trees (with no way to recharge the tools when the battery dies)." . . . 

Harris on Colbert May Be Her Most Inauthentic, Cringe Interview Ever, With One Especially Bad Moment

Bonchie, RedState  

 "When you are on Colbert, you aren't supposed to stare at the audience and lecture them. Harris can't help herself, though. She is so over-rehearsed and inauthentic, and it comes out in every answer she gives." 

"When Kamala Harris first announced her presidential run after shivving Joe Biden in the back, her campaign wrapped her in bubble wrap and stuck her behind a teleprompter. That hasn't led to her running away with the race as expected, which means something had to change. What's changed is the Harris campaign unleashing the vice president in a variety of "un-scripted" interviews with friendly faces. 

"On Tuesday, she was on "The View," a setting that should have been impossible to screw up. Harris found a way, though. Her appearance with noted degenerate Howard Stern, who once put on blackface and repeatedly shouted a racial epithet, wasn't much better

"Then there was "The Late Show" with Stephen Colbert. That was supposed to be the crescendo. It ended up being one of the most inauthentic, cringe interviews she's ever done. Whatever precautions the campaign had taken to that point to hide the true Kamala Harris, it all went out the window with a cackle and some bad jokes.". . .

Byron York: Only Harris could manage to botch a friendly interview! 

. . ."What is certain is this: Harris botched an easy interview. And then she botched a hard interview. She appears to lack some very basic preparation for the job she seeks. Until now, her campaign has counted on a supportive press to paper over, to look past, that deficiency. Whether that will last for another month is an open question."

One Year Later

 Ben Shapiro

"For a moment after Oct. 7, the West sympathized with the Israelis. And then the West decided to go back to sleep — to watch its children march with Hamas and Hezbollah flags alongside terror supporters imported from abroad." . . .

"In the West, we are on vacation from history.

"That's because we are living on the interest earned by our parents and grandparents. The European continent, until the war in Ukraine, had never experienced a more peaceful respite from history than since the end of the Cold War; America has enjoyed its own peace dividend, with spending ballooning to unprecedented levels and our wars fought in distant lands.

"When you are on vacation from history, you tend to engage in foolish fallacies. Fallacies like the idea that evil doesn't exist; that negotiation solves all conflict and that weakness brings with it peace instead of war; that apologizing for Western civilization is a corrective to past injustice rather than an incentive for future violence.

"On Oct. 7, 2023, history returned with a vengeance.

"On that day, Hamas — an evil terrorist group — invaded Israel and engaged in a triumphant orgy of rape and slaughter, the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust. Some 1,200 Israelis were murdered; 250 were dragged back into the hellhole of Gaza.

"Hamas proved that evil does exist. The terrorists and their civilian counterparts celebrated their evil. They livestreamed it. They cheered as the broken and mutilated bodies of the slain were paraded through Gaza. They handed out candies as teenage dancers were raped and shot at a music festival.

"Yes, evil exists. It turns out that human beings are not all seeking the same things — that we do not all have the same priorities or the same values.

"Hamas proved that conciliation with evil and weakness toward it bring about only suffering. Israel has surrendered territory to a variety of terrorist groups over the past few decades: areas of the West Bank — Biblical Judea and Samaria — to the terrorist Palestinian Authority; the Gaza Strip to Hamas; southern Lebanon to Hezbollah. All have become terror havens. The only way to defeat evil is through credible threat of crushing force. The Western fallacy that negotiation is a strategy rather than a tactic — that we can talk our enemies into peace — is indeed a lie. Victory brings about peace; strength brings about peace.

"And the year since Oct. 7 proved that the West has lost her way.

"We have lost our way." . . .