Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Whatever Happened to "General Betray Us?" (updated)

Townhall "Senator Obama’s position on the Petraeus-Bush surge in Iraq was so badly misguided, so amateurishly uninformed, and so utterly blind, that even the New York Times—headquarters of the Bush opposition—pleaded with Obama to change his tune. Even the Times had to admit the surge was working."...."I could pretend I’m surprised by this, feigning shock, but I’m not. As I said, the left behaves completely differently in power compared to when it’s out of power. And certainly don’t expect any apologies to George W. Bush."
Obama Owes Bush an Apology "By turning to the architect of the Iraq surge, Gen. David Petraeus, to save the war in Afghanistan, President Obama is acknowledging, if only implicitly, that he was quite wrong about the Iraq surge and that Bush was right. But what remains of the rest of his critique about Bush's war in Iraq?"   Mona Charen

Dems Put Themselves in Awkward Spot After Calling Hero Petraeus a Liar in 2007  "With today’s confirmation hearing of General Petraeus, Americans will once again be reminded of the Democrat’s disgusting attempts to discredit General Petraeus and to surrender Iraq to the Al-Qaeda terrorists."  Awkward: Dems trying to recast Petraeus as a savior "When Republicans offered a resolution defending Petraeus “and strongly condemn personal attacks on the honor and integrity of General Petraeus,” 25 Democrats voted against the resolution, including Hillary Clinton, Dick Durbin, Harry Reid, and Carl Levin, chair of the Armed Forces Committee."
Articles highlighted because of my inner feelings.

Good motivational poster from Blackfive

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