Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Investigate This!

Ann Coulter  "Over and over again, Republicans tried to rein in the politically correct policies being foisted on mortgage lenders by Fannie Mae, only to be met by a Praetorian Guard of Democrats howling that Republicans hated the poor.'
"In 2003, Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee wrote a bill to tighten the lending regulation of Fannie and Freddie. Every single Democrat on the committee voted against it.
"In the House, Barney Frank angrily proclaimed that Fannie Mae was "just fine.""....
"As Peter Schweizer points out in his magnificent book "Architects of Ruin," which everyone should read, Enron's accounting fraud was a paltry $567 million -- and it didn't bring down the entire financial system. Those involved in the Enron manipulations went to prison. Raines and Gorelick not only didn't go to jail, they walked away with multimillion-dollar payouts, courtesy of the taxpayer."

The liberals own words on this

Barney Frank in 2005: What Housing Bubble?

Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown

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