Ethel C. Fenig "Busy campaigning for the presidency in 2007 and 2008 and involved with other personal matters not related to his senatorial duties, Obama didn't even bother voting when the issue came up in each of these years. Indeed, he didn't vote on many other issues during his overlapping later senatorial career/presidential campaign time."
Do Americans really want to 'tax the rich' to curb the deficit? "The poll results of a bunch of liberals hardly represent "most Americans." And given the poll choices what should we expect?
"The 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll is the same source that claims most Americans (63%) have no problem with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed being tried in NYC. "Most Americans" chose the loaded answer, "New York is a target anyway."" Monte Kuligowski
More Confirmation of Obama's Socialism "... the war for the nation's heart and soul is now commencing in earnest. Beginning tomorrow, Speaker-presumptive John Boehner and the House Republican majority will be the frontlines in the fight to stop, then rollback, Mr. Obama's and the left's attempt to radically transform an unwilling nation. The coming fight will take enormous courage and resolve; there can be no wavering in Republicans' commitment to principles. Conservatives need to furnish the backbone."
J. Robert Smith is a public affairs consultant with a practice in Alexandria, Virginia.
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