Monday, March 5, 2012

Rush Apologizes, but what about these people on the left?

Kirsten Powers: Rush Limbaugh Isn’t the Only Media Misogynist  "Yes, it’s true. Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher, Matt Taibbi, and Ed Schultz have been waging it for years with their misogynist outbursts. There have been boycotts by people on the left who are outraged that these guys still have jobs. Oh, wait. Sorry, that never happened.

"Boycotts are reserved for people on the right like Rush Limbaugh,..." Left-wing commentators remarks about conservatives. 
(We regret that quoting the language below uncensored is necessary to show these people have sunk to depths of vitriol that we have never seen from the right.)

NY Times: Limbaugh Advertisers Flee Show Amid Storm   "Emboldened by Rush Limbaugh’s public apology over the weekend to a law school student whom he had called a “slut” and a “prostitute,” critics of the radio talk show host are intensifying their online campaign against his advertisers.
...."Emboldened by Rush Limbaugh’s public apology over the weekend to a law school student whom he had called a “slut” and a “prostitute,” critics of the radio talk show host are intensifying their online campaign against his advertisers."

Selwyn Duke: Is the Word 'Slut' Still Relevant?*  "It really is a testimonial as to how we live in that prophesied time in which good is called bad and bad is called good. Undesirable behavior is kept to a minimum through stigmatization, and to this end we have always labeled such behavior and those who habitually engage in it with derogatory terms. Now, however, it is the virtuous who are stigmatized into silence."  
...."Meanwhile, oh-so chivalrous Barack Obama placed a phone call to feminist Fluke to offer his support -- and increase his among the fairer sex. I guess he's that certain type of man who uses loose women for personal gain."

American Thinker: Panicky Advertisers Abandon Limbaugh   "Do any of these companies care that the Democratic Party, which is advancing this contraceptive spectacle, promotes abortion which has snuffed out 53 million American lives since 1973?  Do these companies have any idea whatsoever about the evil of the abortion holocaust as compared to the mistake of calling someone a derogatory name?"

The Fluke Gambit Pays Off For Dems  "We've seen this PR stunt before, going back to the Clarence Thomas hearings twenty years ago. That media riot was also designed to convince liberals that Mr. Thomas hated women. It failed when Clarence Thomas seized the headlines by accusing the media of staging a "high tech lynching" against him. The sheer, shocking truth of that charge silenced them for a few days, while they scrambled to make up an answer, and the Senate Judiciary Committee seized the moment to pass Thomas through the committee.
"The key to it all is coordinated media scapegoating."
"This is a Democrat specialty."
 National Review: Limbaugh’s Apology  "To continue the controversy at this point would be merely to pursue the vendetta against Limbaugh in exactly the way that has landed us in the mess our culture’s in. In short: If people don’t let this go at this point, they shouldn’t complain the next time somebody engages in insults, refuses to apologize, and makes our culture even coarser. If you reward something, you tend to get more of it. Let’s try rewarding decency for a change, and see what happens."
"Ann Coulter is the first woman to point out Bill Maher's"woman problem"during a recent appearance on his show. And oh yes, there is a clip."
slut:  "a : a promiscuous woman; especially : prostitute".... Synonyms: bimbo [slang], chippie (also chippy), doxy (alsodoxie), fancy womanhoochie [slang], hussyJezebelminx,queanfloozytramptrollopwenchwhore   (Refer to remarks by liberal commentators quoted above.)

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