Monday, March 5, 2012

Tired of Obama’s Koran-Burning Apologies Yet?

Debbie Schlussel   "Where were the Islamic world’s apologies for 9/11, for Fort Hood, for the attempted Times Square massacre, for the 1993 WTC bombing, for the U.S.S. Cole, for TWA Flight 847 and Robert Dean Stethem, for William Buckley and Rich Higgins, for Cleo Noel and George Curtis Moore, for the Marines in the Beirut Barracks, for the Marines in the German disco, for Pan Am Flight 103, for Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, for the Khobar Towers, for Nick Berg, for Paul Johnson, for Daniel Pearl, for U.S. contractors burnt to a crisp and hung from a bridge in Fallujah, for the Navy SEALs who died in the shot-down helicopter?  Crickets chirping . . . .  But a ton of apologies out of us for what?  For the burning of a book that has inspired 1.8 billion to hate us and quite a few of that number to try–and succeed–in killing us? 
...."The Islamic world would actually respect us–and fear us–more, if we deliberately burned Korans.  Instead, we did it by accident–because Islamic terrorists defaced them in order to communicate jihadist plans on their pages." 

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