Thursday, May 10, 2012

Al-Qaeda has called on its followers to unleash massive forest fires upon the United States this summer

BareNakedIslam  "ABC NEWS The men who launched al Qaeda’s English-language magazine may have died in a U.S. missile strike last fall, but “Inspire” magazine lives on without them — and continues to promote jihadi attacks on Western targets, offering detailed advice on how to start huge forest fires in America with timed explosives and how to build remote-controlled bombs.
"In issue eight, there was an eight-page article instructing readers on how to construct a remote-controlled explosives, with a laundry list of parts and ingredients and photos showing proper assembly.  
"The issues also provided tips on how to use a handgun and advice on how to become an urban assassin."
Bill Ayres would be so pleased and envious that he didn't call for this first. He could find plenty of willing loonies in the #Occupy movement.

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