Thursday, May 10, 2012

Jack-booted conservationism

The New Holocaust DeniersEnvironmentalists still won't admit the existence of the carnage they have created.  "Yet here was this liberal gentleman, supposedly an anti-racist and feminist, a self-proclaimed defender of the poor and the helpless, shrugging off massive violations of human rights and extraordinary crimes directed against women, infants, and people of color. In amazement I blurted out, “This is a holocaust, and you should not be denying it!”
"Then it hit me. I was dealing with a holocaust denier."
Eco Crowd Growing Desperate—and Dangerous  "Notice that arguments contrary to what Zwick believes are not honest differences of opinion—they are “lies.” Those who disagree with him are not merely mistaken, they are malevolent. They are not worthy of being converted to his point of view via honest debate; they deserve only to have their homes razed.
"This is fascism, pure and simple, and it is more and more a feature of environmentalist rhetoric." 
...."Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, global warming was the Left’s last, best chance to institute a world-wide redistributive regime.  What happens when global warming, too, collapses?"
The Lacey Act: From Conservation to Criminalization  "How did a law originally enacted to target poaching of migratory birds evolve to authorize an armed raid of a guitar factory in search of wooden veneers imported without the proper paperwork? The Lacey Act was the first federal wildlife conservation statute, narrowly targeted at the interstate sale in poached game. But in the century since its enactment, the statute’s scope has been enormously expanded to the point that it now incorporates the wildlife and trade laws of every foreign nation. As a result, it has become a trap for the unwary, placing honest businessmen and businesswomen at risk of criminal liability for unknowing violations of hyper-technical foreign laws and regulations.

"In short, the Lacey Act has become the poster child for the phenomenon of overcriminalization and should be at the top of Congress’s list for reform."

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