Monday, September 24, 2012

Rioting, Murdering & Terrorizing People is Totally un-Islamic! But strikes fear into Democrats in Hollywood and government.

We the People  In the video below, Pat Condell in his usual intelligently hysterically funny manner ground pounds the cult of death.
"He has had it, with Islam is sees no place for it on the planet.  With more people in his camp we just may check mate these inbred fools far sooner than anticipated."

Highly recommended reading:  
We The People quotes from the Gatestone Institute; How Much For A Piece Of The First Amendment?  "One of the hard lessons from the pre-school sandbox is that bullies thrive on weakness. Yet Obama hopes to escape this truth as his administration desperately pressures Youtube to ban the video, and spends $70,000 of taxpayers' money to run public service disclaimers in Urdu.".... 
"Patrick Henry did not say, "Give me liberty, or . . , ahh . . , uhm . . , I will apologize for even asking." Our examples, our founding leaders, spoke in clear and certain terms."

(Left) A photo from last Friday’s ‘Day of Love‘  in Pakistan.
… Now at least one fearful studio has asked an Islamic cleric to “vet” its script. Senior executives at another have entered into intense briefing sessions with Department of State officials to minimise(sic) or expunge any content that could be deemed offensive. …   More fear and dhimmitude  here.

Meanwhile, courageous Hollywood trashes Republicans   The movie, Game Change "was a partisan hatchet job, a broadly comic retelling of actual events that wasn't actually funny or factual. Why wouldn't far-left Hollywood toast it on the biggest night of the television year?"

1 comment:

Ronbo said...

Relax Comrade Bill!

This is just an attack on the First Amendment by Big Brother Obama - who is very upset that we proles are allowed to tune out his Ministry of Truth.

Henceforth it will be written that Oceania was always the ally of the Muslims and at war against Eastasis.


See you at the Two Minute Hate against the Tea Party.

Comrade Ronbo