Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Did Lockheed Martin Just Win Virginia for Obama?

ABC News  "In a statement Friday, GOP Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte accused Obama of putting "his own reelection ahead of the interests of working Americans and our national security by promising government contractors that their salary and liability costs will be covered at taxpayer expense if they do not follow the law that requires advance warning to employees of jobs that may be lost due to sequestration. … Apparently, President Obama puts politics ahead of American workers by denying them adequate time to plan their finances and take care of their families. The people who work in the defense industry and other government contracting companies deserve as much notice as possible that they are on track to lose their jobs." "

Lindsay Graham: Obama’s Cash Bribe Of Defense Contractors To Affect Election ‘Patently Illegal’   "The guidance said the Pentagon did not anticipate killing any contracts on Jan. 2, the day automatic spending cuts are set to begin hitting defense spending. The guidance also said the federal government would cover severance costs that are mandated under a federal layoff notices law. (Emphasis in the original)

White House Wins: Lockheed Martin Won’t Issue Layoff Warnings Days Before Election  "Why did the administration get so concerned about Lockheed sending out the notices? Well, because Lockheed is a major employer in Virginia, a significant swing state. As The Atlantic put it in a headline“Did Lockheed Martin Just Win Virginia for Obama?” "

""The guidance said the Pentagon did not anticipate killing any contracts on Jan. 2, the day automatic spending cuts are set to begin hitting defense spending," reports The Hill's Jeremy Herb. "The guidance also said the federal government would cover severance costs that are mandated under a federal layoff notices law." Voila! The next business day, Lockheed Martin announces it will no longer be issuing layoff notices." The Atlantic
..."did not anticipate"? Watch out for the Obama trap in those words.
Hot Air; Lockheed: Sure, we’ll keep our workers in the dark about layoffs
"Democrats have now gone from demanding the WARN Act to paying companies to violate it.  I guess the working class is only valuable when they serve as a talking point, eh?  They told me that if I voted for John McCain, the working man would get screwed by Washington and the board room, and … well, you know."

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