Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Reading list: More on tonight's presidential debate

Bridget Johnson; 10 Things to Expect at the First Presidential Debate  "Obama just might as well prop up an old-school projector and loop Mother Jones’ undercover fundraiser video, because he wants to have those dim tabletop candles and Romney words branded in voters’ minds from now until Nov. 6. ...The Romney camp wishes the tape would disappear, but there are three debates to get through questions about the 47 percent (yep, I wouldn’t put a dropping of that digit past Obama in the foreign policy debate), and where the GOP hopeful does not want to be is on the defensive."
From the comments section to this post:
                       “Obama and Romney hate each other.”
I don’t believe Romney hates anyone. It’s not in his nature. Obama, on the other hand, hates all who do not submit to him.
 Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Mike McNally;  10 Attack Lines Romney Should Use in the Debates  "Just as importantly, it’s his opportunity to acquaint voters with some of the scandals that have beset the Obama administration, and with some of the president’s most damaging blunders and revealing comments. Most of these are notorious among conservatives, though the media gatekeepers have done their best to ignore or minimize them.
"What follows is a list of ten lines of attack that Romney should use when the opportunities present themselves. For good measure, at the end of each point is a line Romney could deliver."
Video: PJTV Debate Preview: How Should Mitt Romney Answer Jim Lehrer's Loaded Questions? 
From Heritage10 Questions for the First Presidential Debate  "Tonight’s debate ... is supposed to focus on domestic policy, with a major concentration on the economy. Health care, the role of government, and philosophy of governing are also on the agenda. The Heritage Foundation’s policy experts have submitted 10 questions they would like to see asked in the debate."

American Thinker; Softballs We'd Like to See Romney Toss Obama  "For a hardworking president, these five questions should be "gimmies." To not know the answers wouldn't necessarily disqualify the President. But they would certainly be tell-tales as to how much effort he's putting into the job. We can be fairly certain that the better of his Democratic predecessors would know the answers cold."

Neal Boortz; Tonight's Debate  "Look for these phrases from Obama during the event.  Every time you hear one you take a hit.  Here are Obama’s noteworthy phrases I’m anticipating to hear tonight -- are ya ready?"  The list includes, among numerous others, “I inherited …”
Boortz included these opinions as well:
Pre-Fact Checking the Debate  "So here’s the list of Obama talking-points that have been proven false, but let’s see if he tries to use any of them in tonight’s debate."...Romney Zingers; a gift from Neal BoortzThis one was my personal favorite: "If I have an off mic comment for a Russian leader .. it will be to convey our strength, not my weakness."

From National Review Online we read about Five things to watch at the first debate; It’s lights, camera... and drool all over Obama
"You know what everyone on every network except Fox is going to say. Comrade Chris Matthews’ leg is going to be tingling out of control. Sgt. Ed Schultz and Rachel Maddow will be breathlessly reading phony stories from the Internet about dissension in the GOP ranks."  Here's how debates like tonight's have mattered  "Romney needs to confront Obama over the weeks of false ads that have given the Democrat poll leads in crucial swing states. With no economic record to run on and no second-term agenda beyond the slogan "Forward," Obama is likely to play considerable defense. He wants to avoid any mistakes that would elevate Romney's stature by comparison."

One of several articles that recommends watching the debates on C-SPAN, unless, like me, you are a Fox-o-phile.

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