Thursday, March 7, 2013

More on the Paul Filibuster

Shout out to Sen. Ron Wyden   "I will concede that Wyden is no grand champion of conservative causes. However, this act merits at least as much respect, if not more, than Paul’s.

JAWA thinks the Paul filibuster serves Obama's purposes  "It's simple: President Obama needs the controversy in order to make those opposed to him seem like they are crazy.
"In effect, by not answering Rand Paul's rather simple question he is creating another birther controversy. He's attempting to make the opposition out to be extremists, and a little off kilter."
Lindsey Graham thinks so as well. More here.
"I like and respect John McCain and Lindsey Graham but they really are out-of-touch." More here.   Dog-bites-man: MSNBC praises Graham-McCain

Here Are All the GOP Senators That Participated in Rand Paul’s 12+ Hour Filibuster… and the Ones Who Didn’t  h/t to Danny Shouse of Facebook
"The Republican senators who participated in the filibuster with Paul include, Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Pat Toomey (R-Penn.), John Thune (R-S.D.), John Barrasso (R-Wy.), Tim Scott (R-S.C.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Jerry Moran (R-Kan.),
Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.)."
"There are a total of 47 Republican members of the U.S. Senate, meaning 33 other GOP senators sat out the filibuster protesting the federal government’s controversial drone program. To find out who those senators are, comb through the full list here."

Charles Krauthammer: Rand Paul’s Filibuster A Stroke of Political Genius; Should become National Figure after this  "Here is video of Charles Krauthammer on the “Special Report” panel last night where he said Sen. Rand Paul’s “Drone” Filibuster, that ended up last nearly 13-hours, was “a stroke of political genius.” Krauthammer said he believes this will be remembered as the moment that “launched Rand Paul as a National figure.”
"I think Krauthammer is right. My guess is there are a lot of Senators this morning thinking, “Why didn’t I do that?”"  H/T to Danny Shouse on Facebook

Ted Cruz And Rand Paul Introduce Bill To Ban Drone Killings Of American Citizens On U.S. Soil…  That's fine until we are fighting Al Qaeda in our streets.

Sen. Paul declares victory after Holder offers assurance on drones
"For 13 hours yesterday, we asked him that question, so there is a result and a victory. Under duress and under public humiliation, the White House will respond and do the right thing."
The letter in its entirety:

1 comment:

Ronbo said...

I think the American Revolution 2.0 just found a leader, whose first name is the last name of the best American philosopher of reason, Ayn Rand.

Excellent coverage on your conservative blog - keep up the good work, Bill!