Thursday, March 7, 2013

Speaking of deadly weapons in the hands of a man with dysfunctional thought processes...

Alan Caruba; The Speech No One Heard  "By any measurement one applies, the nation is sliding toward another financial crisis and Mitch McConnell’s efforts in the Senate continue to go largely unreported.

"Is anyone listening?"
Too bad that McConnell's over-Botoxed face cannot register the emotion that is needed to attract listeners.
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Sequester Spin  "So, the janitors who were about to take a body blow from the sequester actually got a raise.

"The White House has, however, eliminated tours for the public under pressure of the Sequester.  But, so far, is keeping the staff calligraphers."

Email tells feds to make sequester as painful as promised  ...."So it is our opinion that however you manage that reduction, you need to make sure you are not contradicting what we said the impact would be," Mr. Brown, in the internal email, said his superiors told him."  Read it all here.
Hat tip to Neal Boortz, who, as you may notice, subtly spells Obama's name with a zero. Low-information types aren't likely to catch that.
 Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
Forbes Magazine; Sequester This! President Obama's Colossal Media Blunder  "With a glut of examples a mere Google search away, it won’t be long before even the most disengaged voter—facing some Obama-generated inconvenience and having these stories shoved in his face—asks, “What do you mean I can’t get my passport renewed? Couldn’t they fire Obama’s $100,000 a year dog trainer instead?” And if this phony “austerity” is imposed on the rest of us, how do you think the public will react to the First Lady’s next multi-million dollar vacation?
"Sound far-fetched? Then consider that the sequester has already backfired on Obama once."...
Michael Barone; The New Economic Normal? Maybe spending cuts are the cure for stagnation. "Republicans are being attacked as irresponsible for allowing the relatively small sequester cuts to occur. But maybe that was the responsible thing to do. Maybe it would be responsible to cut spending even more." 
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

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