Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Deficit of Stories; As much as think tanks, we need storytelling tanks — and a way to disperse the stories far and wide

NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE    "How did it happen? How did we wake up one day to find ourselves cast as the bad guys for trying to save future generations from a lifetime of indebtedness? Why are we punished for pointing out that if we keep spending more money than we take in, we won’t continue to be a great country? Why do Americans view the Republican party more negatively than they view Democrats, when it’s Democrats who gave us Detroit? And Democrats who might soon turn America into Detroit?
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
"Our net debt is now nearly 90 percent of our GDP, compared with Canada’s debt, which is 35 percent of its GDP, and France’s, which is 86 percent of its GDP, as Mark Steyn pointed out in a recent column on NRO. And we’re the bad guys? When you add up all of our debts and obligations, every American family is on the hook to creditors for nearly $750,000. And the government shutdown was the problem?

"How did that happen?"

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