Thursday, October 24, 2013

America under Obama and his Liberal base

131022 government glitch

The Post-American Liberal Culture  " Liberalism has embraced relativism, trapping it in a feedback loop of reflexive national self-criticism. Talk about the status of women in the Muslim world, and a liberal interjects by pointing out unequal salary levels in America. Mention genocide in the Sudan and he talks about Native Americans. Summon outrage over some a beam in the Third World, and the liberal finds a mote in your eye. There's a protective ideological short circuit in that thinking, a governor that cuts in to defend against dangerous ideas with an irrelevant counterattack. "
Victor Davis Hanson; If you’re hip and liberal, your kids don’t have to go to school with the gardener’s kids.   "California is the epicenter of the new regressive progressive — a novel sort of hyper-reactionary but hip 1 percenter who shakes his fist at his image in the mirror."

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