Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Urban legend: Obama's wedding ring

Claim:   Barack Obama's wedding ring bears an Arabic inscription reading “There is no god but Allah.”

Snopes says this is false:  Lord of the Ring
"This claim about Barack Obama's ring (shown in more detail here) looks to be an artifact of someone who has never actually seen the ring in question trying mightily to find a hidden message where none exists, however. All of the images used to illustrate the claim are either blurry, low-resolution close-ups or shots taken from too distant a perspective to clearly show the details of the gold band. Isolating the ring from a much higher-resolution photograph of President Obama's hand taken by photographer Miguel Villagran during a 5 June 2009 news conference in Dresden, Germany, shows the ring to bear what looks like nothing more than a plain loop-like pattern, with the top section matching the bottom:"

From About.com/ Urban Legends; Hi-Res Image of Barack Obama's Wedding Ring
obama allah ring"As you can see in the viral illustration at right, someone has worked very diligently to make it appear as though certain Arabic characters match certain lines and shadows on the face of Obama's ring. But, as you can also see, the alleged correspondence isn't just forced, it's utterly reliant on the defects of the fuzzy, low-resolution images used."
From The Christian Post: Barack Obama's 'Islamic' Wedding Ring Claim Proven False?  "According to About.com Urban Legends, Obama's ring bears an abstract design instead of an Arabic script initially spoken about by WND and the publication's sources. While the shahada, or Muslim profession of faith's phrase in its entirety states "There is no god but God and Muhammad is the prophet of God," some believed that the president's ring only contained the first part of the statement.
"However, Snopes.com, a website discussing urban legends, also seemed to debunk the rumors that the ring contained any Arabic writing at all."

We appreciate those who keep us abreast of rumors and legends floating around that damage the trust people have in conservative sources.
Hat to to Harley Standlee of Placerville, CA for this one.

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