Monday, December 30, 2024

The Man Who Isn't There


Rich Terrell

Who the Hell is Running the Country?  . . ."Jake Sullivan? Anthony Blinken? Susan Rice? Barack Obama? Jill Biden? Three-quarters of Biden’s top cabinet picks worked for Obama. This unelected cabal usurped the will of the voters, assuming dubiously that Biden was legitimately elected.
"Who opened U.S. borders? Who pushed the war in Ukraine and keeps poking the Russian bear closer to nuclear war? Who has been prosecuting Trump and his advisors and supporters? Who is appointing judges and other key government officials?
"Who pardoned 8,000 criminals, including 37 on federal death row? Who is instituting last-minute rules and regulations to thwart Trump and the DOGE commission? Who is leaving political landmines in Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, and elsewhere?
"America has a shadow government, not an elected president. Anyone who challenges the narrative is a conspiracy theorist. Videos of Biden getting lost or falling were explained by the White House as “cheapfakes.” MSNBC claimed Biden wandering off at the G7 summit was a “deepfake.” These are words that obfuscate their lies.
"The executive branch parroted the commander and chief’s charade and lies, which followed Biden’s illusion of competence. The FBI and DOJ lied about the Trump-Russia collusion, Jan. 6, Hunter Biden’s laptop, and the handling of classified documents." . . .

Joe Biden heads out on a low note, more despised than ever   "Now that our long, national nightmare of Joe Biden's presidency is ending, here's a gander at his December public approval rating from RealClearPolitics:" . . .

All of Team Joe aided in the Big Lie — now the world knows the truth of the     "Ever since The Post broke the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop in October of 2020, it’s been obvious that Joe Biden was involved in his son’s influence peddling schemes.
"The president’s serial denials were as credible as Bill Clinton’s claim that “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”
"Biden’s most ridiculous lie was that he never even discussed Hunter’s foreign business with him.
"Laptop messages and photos showing Joe meeting with some of Hunter’s skeezy clients proved otherwise." . . .

Hulking trans child molester repeatedly sexually assaulted female cellmate after being transferred to women's prison: suit

NY Post   

“A bunch of women, when they’re in the showers, these people are just standing there. They don’t have to stand on their tippytoes and they look over and see everything. People were so uncomfortable. You feel kind of like you’ve been violated,” the unnamed prisoner said." 

 [Mister] Williams, who identifies as a transgender woman,
is accused of sexually assaulting [his] female cellmate 

"A former inmate at a Washington state women’s prison was repeatedly sexually assaulted by her hulking transgender cellmate — who was transferred to the prison after changing her gender identity, according to a shocking new lawsuit.

"Mozzy Clark sued the state department of corrections in federal court last week for locking her in a cell with a 6-foot-4 convicted child molester who allegedly subjected her to months of stalking, threats of violence and sexual harassment and assault, according to the lawsuit.

"The cellmate, Christopher Scott Williams, was convicted of sexually assaulting a young girl as a male, and was serving a separate sentence for domestic abuse.

"Williams then petitioned to be recognized as female and be transferred to a women’s prison, according to the lawsuit.

"When the state granted the request and placed Williams in a cell with Clark, the latter’s life became a living nightmare, she alleged.

"State DOC records show Williams is listed as female at the Washington Corrections Center for Women. 

"Clark claimed Williams, who slept above her in the top bunk, would threaten to rape her, leer at her in the shower, and constantly ask for sex — once with a homemade dildo he had brought into the cell, according to the lawsuit.

“ 'In their cell, Ms. Clark was on the bottom bunk. Mr. Williams … would hover menacingly over Ms. Clark’s bunk with an erection while touching himself. He would also display his erection to Ms. Clark against her will, and gesture towards it, saying how much he wanted her,” the lawsuit alleged.

“ 'One night, Ms. Clark woke up and saw inmate Williams sitting on the floor next to her bed with his arm under her blanket, rubbing her genitals,” the lawsuit adds.

"Clark said the guards did little to protect her when she complained. Eventually Williams was moved to a separate cell, but the inmate would seek her out, stare at her in the showers, and follow her into the bathroom — making perverted comments from the next stall, the documents alleged." . . .

Human Rights Lawyer: Jews’ ‘Darkest Hour Since the Holocaust’

"What’s happening is terrifying, and that’s true whether or not you’re Jewish. If you’re Jewish, obviously, you fear a second Holocaust. But if you’re not Jewish, you should look at the world of the Jew haters, whether communist, Nazi, or Muslim, and ask yourself if those are the people you want in control."  Andrea Widburg; American Thinker

Palestinian Terrorist Stabs Holocaust Survivor to Death

                     UNRWA  students:  “Stabbing Jews brings dignity to the Palestinians. We have to stab the Jews. They teach us that Jews are terrorists. I am ready to stab a jew and drive a car over them. I am ready to join ISIS” —  October 28, 2024  

Catherine Salgado

"This Hanukkah, Jews not only in the Middle East but also in Europe and North America cannot light their menorahs and travel in peace and security. Between genocidal Muslims and anti-Israel wokies, the world has become unsafe for Jews within living memory of the Holocaust.

“Today is the darkest hour for Jews since the Holocaust,” human rights lawyer Hillel Neuer told the Austrian Parliament in September. Israelis have been under near-constant attack since the heinous Hamas massacre of Oct. 7, 2023, but antisemitic hate has become a global tidal wave. “In Europe, where I live, Jews are afraid to show their names,” Neuer exclaimed. That is still true. A Holocaust survivor was just murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in Israel, American campuses are overrun with pro-Hamas activists, and Amsterdam was recently the scene of horrifying “pogroms.” Yet Western leaders continue to fund Gaza and criticize Israel for fighting jihadis. Neuer particularly called out the anti-Israel, pro-Hamas United Nations, whose UNRWA continues to spread Hamas propaganda against Israel." . . .

Hollywood loves #diversity — except when it comes to Israel and Jews ... "Things only got worse when the museum finally debuted a follow-up exhibition highlighting Jewish achievement in Hollywood but filled with anti-Jewish stereotypes.

"The exhibition was eventually modified, but a few months later the Academy came under additional fire when it selected Oct. 7 — the first anniversary of the Hamas attack — for an event to welcome new members. 

" 'This is not just about one mistake, but a pattern of erasing Jews from the entertainment industry,” observes Allison Josephs, founder and director of the Jewish Institute for Television and Cinema. “Jews like Jonathan Glazer, they’re applauded, but . . . when it comes to Jews who support Israel and Judaism, have we lost Hollywood?' ” . . .

Jews, once prominent in Hollywood and publishing, are now being blacklisted

. . ."As with Hollywood, there were three rules: Jews were welcome, they would not publish antisemitic books, and they supported Israel.

"None of that is true anymore. In woke, leftist Hollywood, as David Christopher Kaufman writes, antisemitism is the norm, Jews are no longer welcome, and Hollywood’s loathing for Israel is nothing short of pure antisemitism: . . ."

'Ugly Chapter': Scott Jennings Nails Joe Biden's Disgraceful Political Legacy in Must-Watch Moment

Sister Toljah  

Kamala Harris apologist Bakari Sellers' only response was to suggest it was Trump who left "in disgrace" thanks to the events of January 6th, 2021 (where he called on supporters to "peacefully and patriotically" protest, which Sellers didn't mention) and also the two impeachments (which he left out were politically motivated hit jobs by Democrats who could not accept that he defeated Hillary 2024 . . .

"Already, Biden's political legacy is being hotly debated, with Democrats of course spinning his decades in government as a "distinguished career" in so many words.

"Republicans, meanwhile, have not been shy about pointing to a few inconvenient facts about Biden's time in Congress and then the White House, with his disgraceful treatment of Judges Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas from the late 1980s and early 1990s during their respective Supreme Court confirmation hearings coming to mind.

"Among them has been GOP strategist/CNN commentator Scott Jennings, who on the Thursday edition of "NewsNight" blasted Biden over his admitted regrets, which did not include the deadly 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, which resulted in the death of 13 U.S. service members.

On Sunday, Jennings made clear that he was not done assessing Biden's legacy, pointing again to Afghanistan and the Hunter Biden pardoning but also focusing more on the White House cover-up surrounding Joe Biden's mental acuity:Clinton in 2016). . . .

SEE ALSO: About That Whole 'Joe Biden Is a Decent Guy' Myth...

Scott Jennings Pushes Back on CNN Panelist’s Defense of Biden’s Legacy: ‘A Really Ugly Chapter’ – IJR

 CNN Republican commentator Scott Jennings believes President Joe Biden will leave office “in disgrace.”

During a CNN panel, Karen Finney, a Democrat, expressed that she felt “Joe Biden’s record with regard to the things that he’s accomplished, I think will stand the test of time.”

“It was very disturbing to learn late in the year about just how bad, how poor his health has become. And like many, I did not realize that it had gotten to that point,” she said during the segment on Sunday. “That being said, I think he’s still look, he showed up for the job. He got the work done. I think some of the accomplishments also in the Middle East and foreign policy will also stand the test of time.”

Jennings pressed Finney, then added, “Look, I think he’s going to I think he’s going to leave office in disgrace.”

“The Hunter Biden pardon was disgraceful. He’s going to be remembered largely for inflation and for the disastrous Afghanistan pullout,” Jennings declared.

He continued: “And I think as we continue to we’re just getting the first draft of this now. But as we continue to learn about the massive cover-up that went on, not about his health, but about his mental acuity to cover that up, the efforts that were undertaken by the White House staff, by his family, not in the last couple of months, but for all four years. I think it’s going to be a really ugly chapter. It’s a diminished presidency because of it.”

The conversation comes amid a recent report by The Wall Street Journal titled, “How the White House Functioned With a Diminished Biden in Charge.”

“Presidents always have gatekeepers. But in Biden’s case, the walls around him were higher and the controls greater, according to Democratic lawmakers, donors and aides who worked for Biden and other administrations. There were limits over who Biden spoke with, limits on what they said to him and limits around the sources of information he consumed,” the report read.

Barack Obama: The Great Divider ; true in 2016 and true today

The National Interest  December 31, 2016  . . ."Why, in such a divided country, did Obama choose to inject race, and in such a provocative way?"

Even if Obama cannot solve America’s race problem, the power of the presidency ensures that he can make it worse. So far, he has.

"Had the Obama years turned out differently, the President’s recent remarks to the Congressional Black Caucus might have been forgivable, or at least forgettable. “I will consider it a personal insult, an insult to my legacy,” he informed, if the African-American community “lets down its guard and fails to activate itself in this election.” In the current climate, however, President Obama’s comments, whatever their impact on the November elections, are likely to aggravate race relations.
"To appreciate the significance of Obama’s remarks, it bears mentioning Obama’s path to the presidency. In the forty years before Obama’s election, a succession of vice presidents and governors ascended to the Oval Office only after decades of scrutiny in the public arena.
"Obama was judged by a different standard. The journey from Columbia University to Editor of the Harvard Law Review to an appointment on the University of Chicago faculty is typically littered with scholarly publications, clerkships and other professional accolades. In Obama’s case, the most conspicuous items on his resume were two autobiographies — both about his racial identity — and an unremarkable stint in Illinois politics.  
"Yet it was on this basis that America gambled on Obama. What reason was there to catapult an anonymous state senator into the presidency within a span of four years?
"Much of the rationale for Obama’s candidacy mirrored the arguments frequently proffered for affirmative action programs. The inclusion of minorities in our highest positions of power, we’re often told, will produce racial progress once minorities see that they have a place in American society, and once whites are persuaded that minorities can be integrated on equal terms.
"Enter Obama. After a string of failed African-American candidates for President, Obama was the first who seemed to have the right temperament and intuitions. He inspired minorities without resorting to the crude racial politics of Jesse Jackson, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton. Yet he also offered a critique of race relations that appealed to white voters without the alienating conservatism of Alan Keyes.
"It was Obama’s 2004 address to the Democratic National Convention, in particular, that transformed him into a national figure. America was willing to tolerate the student councilish platitudes in the speech, for they had finally found an African-American leader committed to a benign vision of post-racialism. So enthralled were the American people that they even overlooked the inspiration behind the speech — Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s long-time former pastor. This was quite generous. Obama, after all, had disavowed Wright not after his anti-American and anti-Semitic sermons were leaked, but only after Wright’s incendiary interviews in the middle of the campaign became a liability." . . .