Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What does Mayor-elect DeBasio have against horses?

Liberals will not leave us alone to live our lives. Why can't they just work part time?
Rick Moran   "New York city mayor-elect Bill DeBasio is out to ban the iconic horse-drawn carriage rides around Central Park so beloved of tourists and romantics alike.

NY Daily News:
"We are going to get rid of the horse carriages. Period," de Blasio said in response to a question at his press conference announcing his schools chancellor pick Monday.
"It's over," he said.
De Blasio said he would work with existing drivers to set them up with alternative vehicles to ferry tourists around Central Park.
De Blasio and advocacy groups who support him say it's inhumane to make the horses work the dangerous city streets, but drivers insist their horses are well cared for and there's no reason to end the industry.
"Celebrities have been driving the opposition to the horse-drawn carriage:"

...."Miley Cyrus? DeBlasio is going to destroy a fine tradtion on the word of an air head twerker? And Alec Baldwin likes horses more than gay people? Who would have thought that?"  

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