Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What You Need to Know About the Left's Big Issue for 2014/ Alan Caruba update: Obama's 2014 Big Lie: Income Inequality

Heritage   "Do a Google News search for “income inequality” and it will remove any doubt that this is already the political issue of 2014.

"The left has been gearing up for months. The liberal Center for American Progress launched a new center devoted to the subject, and President Obama has been making it a centerpiece of his speeches.

"Get ready to hear about “fairness”—because some people make more money than others, and this isn’t fair. How can you sit by and watch this happen? What is the government going to do about it?
"It’s a popular argument because everyone—even Warren Buffett—wants to make more money. When someone tells you that what you’re being paid isn’t fair, it’s easy to agree. And if that someone tells you that you can march in a protest and instantly make more money—well, that’s a lot quicker and easier than working toward your next promotion.

"Quick and easy—that’s the allure of the left’s argument. But there are two things you should know about it."....

"As the liberal disaster called Obamacare unfolds, President Barack Obama is already embarked on his next Big Lie: income inequality.
"It’s useful to visit some of the planks of Karl Marx’s 1848 Communist Manifesto. They included abolition of private property—the keystone of capitalism—and the application of all rents of land to a public purpose. Marx advocated a heavy progressive or graduated income tax whereas a fair tax that treats all Americans fairly by taxing what you spend instead of what you earn. The current tax code is more than 73,000 pages! Marx wanted to eliminate all rights of inheritance and centralize credit by means of a national bank."  ...
Life in a communist economy pictured:
Russian food lines
Sodahead, above and below

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