Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Making Harding Look Good; The Obama administration has tarnished nearly every major federal agency.

Victor Davis Hanson

Harding and Obama (Library of Congress; Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
... "The lasting legacy of Obama will be that he has largely discredited the idea of big government, of which he was so passionate an advocate. Almost every major agency of the federal government, many of them with a hallowed tradition of bipartisan competence, have now been rendered either dysfunctional or politicized — or both — largely because of politically driven appointments of unqualified people, or ideological agendas that were incompatible with the agency’s mission.
"The list of scandals is quite staggering. In aggregate, it makes Harding’s Teapot Dome mess seem minor in comparison." ...   Full article.
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

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