Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Ben Affleck: Portrait of Islam’s Clueless Apologists

Raymond Ibrahim    "The value of actor Ben Affleck’s recent outbursts in defense of Islam on HBO’s Real Time is that here, in one 10-minute segment, we have all the leftist/liberal bromides used whenever Islam is criticized.
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
"In what follows, Affleck’s main arguments are presented and then discredited.
"What such apologists fail to recognize is that the clash of civilizations is already upon us; and it is not a product of Western “bigotry” but Islamic teaching.  Whether we acknowledge it or not, here it is.

"The reason apologists can get away (for now) with their reasoning is because the U.S. is ostensibly immune from Islam — so they can spin and pass off feel-good fables about Islam all they want."
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

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