Friday, April 3, 2015

Silliest post of the day: SATIRE: Spielberg & George Lucas Announce Name Change For Indiana Jones #BoycottIndiana

. . . Spielberg: Correct. If Governor Pence doesn't repeal the law, then "Indiana" will no longer be a name associated with our franchise. Henceforth, all merchandise, DVDs, or Disney theme park rides will be given a new name of our choosing.

TR: What about all the times they call him "Indiana" throughout the films?

Lucas: I've spoken with all the actors, they've agreed to dub their parts. Sean Connery blew us off, but his voice won't be hard to impersonate.

TR: I'm having trouble seeing the big deal here. Wasn't Indiana just a nickname he stole from his dog? I mean, let's be honest guys, Sean Connery kind of killed the mystique there. The guy's over 70 now, adventure can't always be his name, can't you just make him give it up in the next installment as a symbol of his retirement and then continue the franchise with Shia LaBeouf as Mutt Williams?

Lucas: Absolutely not! I have make-up artists and costume designers calling me at the Skywalker Ranch every waking hour, lamenting that whenever they look upon that poster from Raiders with the word "Indiana" triumphantly pressing on them in orange and yellow letters, they see only a white, heterosexual male, literally cracking his whip of Christian oppression at them. . .

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