Monday, September 12, 2016

'Why Has America Lost its Friends and Allies?'

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Paul E. Vallely, MG US Army (Ret.)  "Each day as I watch the news reports of recent events from across the globe, I wonder, "Who are America's friends anymore?" Try as I might, I can no longer readily identify them. It seems our longtime friends and allies are in retreat. And I am forced to ask myself, "How many of us are aware of this and have noticed that it's happening?"  Having visited the Middle East (Turkey, Syria, and Egypt) and Europe several times during the current administration’s two terms of office, I witnessed unquestionable signs of the downward spiral in US credibility and respect.  Those who counted on us for friendship and support in tackling world problems and threats – and who we counted on as well in return – are now nervous, skeptical and afraid.

"For example, the Egyptians could not understand why, after so many decades of friendship, an American administration would spurn their civil uprising against the Muslim Brotherhood. They cannot understand why an American administration would have shut off US military modernization assistance at such a critical time in the Middle East.

"Any special relationships garnered since World War II appear to have either disappeared or are certainly in decline. Clearly, confidence in us as the world's foremost leader has dissipated due to this administration's choice to cast aside allies and marginalize friends, despite our enemies becoming more numerous.

"The international chessboard is clearly changing but not for the benefit of America.

"Why is this so?  For me, there can be no question, it is the direct result of Progressive Socialism, which has permeated both our governing parties. The harsh truth is we do not have competent senior government officials. Our current lot are, sadly, only amateurs at handling foreign relations and our national security. We cannot permit the current leaders in the White House and halls of Congress to continue in their efforts to push us down the road of progressivism leading to the ultimate destruction of the America we have known and love." . . .

All emphases added by TD

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