Wednesday, May 17, 2017

WaPo Newsroom Celebrates 'Russia-Leak Scoop' Going Viral

I'm sure they dislike President Trump, but don't you think any other Republican president will receive the same treatment and equal contempt? TD
Daily Wire

"Glenn Kessler, a “fact-checker” at The Washington Postnoted the celebration at his employer’s newsroom, comparing it with the news media’s push of the “October Surprise” 2005 Hollywood Access video during 2016’s presidential campaign season:" . . .

"In January, The Washington Post adopted a new slogan featured on its published newspapers and website: “Democracy Dies in Darkness:"

"The Washington Post and The New York Times present themselves as politically objective and non-partisan news media outlets. Both enjoy business relationships with cable news networks as well as ABC, CBS, and NBC. 
H/T Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist and Fox News Channel. And to Adele Bloom at Guardian Eagles
Rich Terrell
The White House Responds to WaPo Report Trump Revealed Classified Info to Russians
“ 'The story as reported is false,” McMaster said at a very brief appearance in front of the White House Monday. “At no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed and the president did not disclose military operations that were not already known.' "

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