Saturday, November 4, 2017

Boise State Prof attacked for article “Transgender Activists Are Seeking to Undermine Parental Rights”

Legal Insurrection  “ 'A petition to fire Mr. Yenor has garnered more than 2,000 signatures.' ”

"Scott Yenor teaches political science at Boise State University.

"He wrote an essay in which he claimed that allowing children to choose their gender undermines the family and parental rights. Social justice warriors are now calling for his firing.
"Even the outspoken progressive professor Camille Paglia has stated that she believes indulging children in transgenderism is a form of child abuse. Yet the left is treating Yenor as a heretic.
"It all began when he wrote this at the Daily Signal:
Transgender Activists Are Seeking to Undermine Parental Rights
Winning public sanction for same-sex marriage was the last great feminist victory. Same-sex marriage undermined sex roles within marriage. It put children ever more outside the purpose of marriage. It reinforced the idea that all means of sexual satisfaction are equal.
Where will the radical feminist revolution roll to next? . . .
 . . .
"One of the people leading the charge against Yenor is the school’s Director of Student Diversity and Inclusion who wrote the following about Yenor’s essay in a post on the school’s website titled Connecting The Dots:" . . .

"(Hat tip to Ben Shapiro, writing at the Weekly Standard.)"

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