Thursday, August 16, 2018

300+ newspapers publish the same anti-Trump editorial today

I fear America's adversaries, the Iranians and North Koreans will now smell blood in the water and realize the American press is taking away the power with which our victor over ISIS, Donald Trump confronted them. What now happens in our dealings with these rogue nations?President Trump's undisciplined tweets have made many question his sanity and maturity, but as Abraham Lincoln once commented on rumors of General Grant's alcohol problem, "I can't spare this man; he fights!". TD
Rich Terrell

Thomas Lifson  "Today marks another milepost on the funeral march of the American newspaper industry. Has there ever before been such a mass demonstration of self-unawareness as the collective expression of outrage this morning by the editorial boards of these ailing enterprises? Here is the editorial as it appears today in the Boston Globe, which no doubt will receive one or more journalism awards (journalists love to give each other awards for agreeing with each other) for their “courage” – as if howling mobs were outside their doors, and military vans on their way to seize the printing presses.

"The editorial, indeed, raises the fear of being shut down right up front, relying on a poll supposedly indicating a public ready to send storm troopers into the nation’s newsrooms. Ginning up polls is a standard operating procedure for the media, who are well aware that by careful wording and sequencing on questions, you can shape the public response into the direction you are hoping for. In this case, Trump-haters are anxious to manufacture a purported threat to shut them down, which is something that nobody in a position of authority has ever even hinted at." . . .
My friend Andrew Malcolm, a veteran journalist who made his career as a foreign correspondent of the New York Times has the best commentary on the pathetic effort at Hot Air* (read the whole thing):
*Posted separately in this blog.

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