Sunday, September 2, 2018

Eulogies At Aretha Franklin’s Funeral Spark Controversy: Faith and family values are out

Legal Insurrection  "When the left is confronted with the fact—and it is a fact—that their radical anti-God, anti-family SJW agenda is indeed radically out of step with mainstream America, the result is always hilarious.  And a little sad.
"Case in point, Aretha Franklin was eulogized by Reverend Jasper Williams Jr., and the left melted down because he expressed “old school,” “controversial” ideas about family and faith, about the decline of black owners of small businesses and about #BlackLivesMatter." . . .

. . . "It’s not particularly surprising that a preacher calling for stronger faith, stronger families, and less murder is, to today’s left, “old school” and “controversial.”  What is marginally surprising is that the regressive left is so out-of-touch—even after the results of the 2016 election—with America and with Americans that they honestly, truly, deeply believe what Williams represents a fringe element who are so radical, so “out there,” that they still insist on believing in God, on seeing strong faith and unified families as a positive, and on thinking murder is bad." . . .

Reverend Jasper Williams, Jr: "A black woman cannot raise a black boy to become a man."Who invited this Trump-loving, misogynistic motherf*cker from a bygone era?

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